Citation: Sen, H.S. and Ghorai Dipankar (2011). Whither Coastal Ecosystem Research: Management of Salt
Affected Soils sans Factors Threatening the Ecosystem Loses Significance. Indian Society of Soil Science. Bulletin 28, 49-65.
Whither Coastal Ecosystem Research: Management of Salt
Affected Soils sans Factors Threatening the Ecosystem Loses Significance
H.S.Sen1 and Dipankar Ghorai2
1Former Director, Central Research Institute for Jute
& Allied Fibres (ICAR), Barrackpore, West Bengal, PIN 700 120; Present
address – 2/74 Naktala, Kolkata 700 047, West Bengal
2Subject Matter Specialist (Ag), Krishi Vikash Kendra
(CRIJAF), Burdwan 713 212, West Bengal
According to World Resources Institute (2006) coastal areas
may be commonly defined as the interface or transition areas between land and
sea, including large inland lakes. Coastal areas are diverse in function and
form, dynamic, and do not lend themselves well to definition by strict spatial
boundaries. Unlike watersheds, there are no exact natural boundaries that
unambiguously delineate coastal areas at the global or national scale. According to them, the world coastline
extends from 350,000-1,000,000 km in length, depending upon how finely the
‘length’ is resolved. More comprehensively, the coastal ecosystem has been
defined by Sen et al. (2000) as
representing the transition from terrestrial to marine influences and vice
versa. It comprises not only shoreline ecosystems, but also the upland
watersheds draining into coastal waters, and the nearshore sub-littoral
ecosystems influenced by land-based activities. Soil salinity per se in the
coastal ecosystem does not have much significance as far as productivity of
crops on these soils is concerned, unlike any other ecosystem, unless it is
considered in association with other relevant ecological factors threatening its
very stability. According to an estimate by Dirk et al. (1998), 51 percent of the world’s coastal ecosystems appear
to be at significant risk of degradation from development related activities.
Different coastal
ecosystems in the world
‘main’ components of the coastal ecosystem, besides taking into account generally
about 50-100 km area landward to be designated as ‘coastal plain’ and utilized
mostly by agriculture and allied activities as well as for domicile and a few
other occupational purposes, are classified into components, like estuaries (1.4),
macrophyte communities (2.0), mangroves (0.2), coral reefs (0.6), salt marshes
(0.4) and the remaining continental shelves (~21), totaling
approximately 26 x106 km2 area (Encyclopedia of Earth, 2007). ___________________________________________________________________________________
on 15 November 2010 at the National Symposium on “Salt-affected Soils” held
during the 75th Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil
Science at Bhopal. 1Email:,
swamps, as just an example, having significant role towards stability of the
ecosystem, are found in tropical and sub-tropical tidal areas worldwide, like
Africa, Americas (including Caribbean Islands), South America, Asia,
Australasia, and Pacific Islands. A list of 15 countries having significant
areas under mangrove swamps are given in Table 1. In the last 50 years, as much
as 85 percent of the mangroves have been lost in Thailand, the Philippines,
Pakistan, Panama and Mexico. Globally, about 50 percent of mangrove forests
have been lost. An estimated 35% of mangroves have been removed due to shrimp
and fish aquaculture, deforestation, and freshwater diversion. In Indonesia
alone over 10,000 square kilometers of mangrove forests have been converted
into brackish water ponds (called tambaks)
for the cultivation of prawns and fish. Valuation of intact tropical mangroves
estimated at US$ 1000 per ha drops to US$ 200 per ha due to clearance by shrimp
farming (Poyya and Balachandran, 2008). Although some successful restoration
efforts have taken place, these are not
keeping pace with mangrove destruction.
(‘000 ha)
% area
plain, within the ecosystem, is the landward extension of the continental shelf
or the sea and used for agriculture and allied activities as well as for few
other occupational purposes but is not always distinctly differentiated from
the other ‘main’ components referred earlier.
and Distribution
the two coastlines in India length of the East coast is higher than that of the
West. The continental shelf is more stable than the coast. The continental
shelf of 0-50 m depth spreads over 1,91,972 sq km and between 0-200 depth over
4,52,060 sq km. The shelf is wide (50-340 m) along the East coast. The Exclusive
Economic Zone is estimated at 2.02 million sq km.
no systematic study was earlier made in India to demarcate the coastal soils
based on well-defined scientific indices. Notable among the past works,
however, was that of Yadav et al.
(1983) who suggested 3.1 million hectare area (including mangrove forests),
while Szabolcs (1979) suggested 23.8 million hectare under coastal salinity in
India. The coastal saline soil has been referred by various workers almost
synonymously with coastal soil which is not correct since all coastal soils are
not saline in nature. None of the above estimates appears to have been made on
sound scientific basis. However, the latest compilation made by Velayutham et al. (1998) on the soil resources and
their potentials for different Agro-ecological Sub Regions (AESR) in coastal
tracts of India show total 10.78 million hectare area under this ecosystem
(including the islands), which was the first scientific approach for
delineation of the coastal ecosystem. Different factors limiting agricultural
productivity in the coastal plains are listed as (1) Excess accumulation of
soluble salts and alkalinity in soil, (2) Pre-dominance of acid sulphate soils,
(3) Toxicity and deficiency of nutrients in soils, (4) Intrusion of seawater
into coastal aquifers, (5) Shallow depth to underground water table rich in
salts, (6) Periodic inundation of soil surface by the tidal water vis-à-vis
climatic disaster and their influence on soil properties, (7) Heavy soil
texture and poor infiltrability of soil, (8) Eutrophication, hypoxia and
nutrient imbalance, (9) Erosion and sedimentation of soil, and (10) High
population density, etc.
Soil Salinity
salinity in coastal soils acts in much the same way as in inland soils except
for different salt compositions in the soil solution and specific toxicity of individual
ions and their interacting effects observed in case of the former. Three major
types of salt affected soils exist in the coastal plains, viz. saline soil or
solanchak, alkaline or sodic soil or solonetz, and of particular interest for
the coastal ecosystem, the acid sulphate soils.
Saline Soil
Soils contain excess soluble salts (ECe > 4 dSm-1) with pH below
8.5 and ESP lower than 15. High osmotic stress as well as specific ion
toxicities cause adverse effect on plant growth due to poor uptake of water and
nutrients. Salts are composed mainly of sodium, calcium, magnesium among the
cations, and chloride, sulphate, carbonate, bicarbonate among the anions. In
majority of the situations salt concentration along with its composition at the
crop root zone varies not only spatially but also temporarily depending upon
soil type, salt-rich ground water characteristics and its rate of recharge into
the root zone, and nature and distribution of rainfall along with other
relevant climatic parameters.
Drainage and
Efforts have been made to develop models to desalinize the salty soil through
drainage under specified conditions. Different agro-hydro-salinity models, viz.
‘SALTMOD’, ‘DRAINMOD-S’ or ‘SAHYSMOD’ (Oosterbaan, 2002, 2005), developed based
on sound principles of moisture and solute transport, for unconfined (phreatic)
and semi-confined aquifer, have been tested in the field mostly under arid or semi-arid
conditions in order to predict the water distribution and salt balance in the
soil profile following different practices of drainage and their response on
crop function. Singh and Singh (2006) compared different models suggesting
design of the most appropriate location-specific drainage system under varying
water management scenarios covering salt water intrusion, runoff, soil erosion,
backwater flow, waterlogging and salinity in the coastal plains in India.
Alkaline or Sodic Soil
These soils contain exchangeable sodium in a quantity sufficient (ESP > 15)
to interfere with the growth of most plants. In such soils ECe is generally
< 4 dSm-1 and the pH higher than 8.5. The soil colloids are
usually in a state of deflocculation. The dispersive effect of exchangeable
sodium will be observed, however, only if the electrolyte concentration in the
soil solution is smaller than that required to flocculate the clay particles.
High concentration of Mg in relation to Ca, observed in some coastal salt
affected soil solution, behaves differently in terms of physico-chemical
properties. The alkaline or sodic clay colloids in a dispersed state render
poor physical properties primarily in respect of moisture and solute transport,
aeration and thermal flux, thereby adversely affecting the plant growth. In
these soils when pH of the soil solution exceeds 8.5, availability of some
nutrients may be restricted resulting in nutrient imbalances. Bicarbonate
toxicities occur primarily from reduced iron and other micronutrient
availabilities at high pH while high Na+ may lead to Ca2+
and Mg2+ deficiencies (Arshad, 2008).
Reclamation and management: The basic principle underlying
reclamation of these soils is to adopt those ameliorative measures by which the
exchangeable sodium will be replaced by calcium and the exchangeable sodium
thus released as sodium salt is leached out of the root zone. Use of amendments
and adequate leaching are the prerequisites for any reclamation measures.
Because of low cost and easy availability, gypsum and sulphur have been used
widely and intensively as an amendment for reclamation. Gypsum converts sodium
soil into calcium soil, results in lowering of pH and improvement in soil
physical conditions. On an average, for every one milli-equivalent of sodium to
be replaced, 1.7 tons of gypsum or 0.32 tons of sulphur is required. Besides,
iron pyrites, which is abundantly available, is also an economical amendment
for sodic soils. The use of molasses along with pressmud and basic slag has also
been found effective in some areas. Further, bulky organic manures, green
manures, crop residues and other biomass materials may even be used for
reclamation of sodic soils.
Acid Sulphate Soils
These soils either contain sulphuric acid or have the potential to form
sulphuric acid when exposed to oxygen in the air. These soils occur naturally
in both coastal (tidal) and inland or upland (freshwater) settings, as a
consequence of the deposition of large amounts of organic matter, such as
decaying vegetation in a waterlogged setting. These waterlogged wetlands and
mangroves or highly reducing environments are ideal for the formation of
sulphide-containing minerals, predominantly iron pyrite (FeS2) in
sulphidic material, which can react with the oxygen in the air to form
sulphuric acid (sulphuric materials). It is generally believed that the H2S
is formed by sulphate reducing bacteria acting on sulphate from seawater,
rather than the introduction of sulphide with the dredge sediments. Their most
important characteristics are a field pH of below 4.
acid sulphate soils occur in the tropics in low lying coastal land formerly
occupied by mangrove swamps. The total area of actual and potential acid
sulphate soils is rather small: about 10 million hectares are known to occur in
the tropics, and the world total probably does not exceed 14 million in South
and Southeast Asia, West and Southern Africa, and along the South American and
Australian coastlines. In addition, some 20 million hectares of coastal peats,
mainly in Indonesia, are underlain by potential acid sulphate soil (Beek et al.,
growth of most dry land crops on acid sulphate soils is hampered by the toxic
levels of aluminium and the low availability of phosphorus. Toxic levels of
dissolved iron plus low phosphorus are the most important adverse factors for
wetland rice. In the near-neutral potential acid sulphate soils (Sulfaquents,
Sulfic Fluvaquents), high salinity, poor bearing capacity, uneven land surface,
and the risk of strong acidification during droughts are the main
disadvantages. Young acid sulphate soils (Sulfaquepts) in which the pyritic
substratum occurs near the surface are often more acidic than those soils
(Sulfic Tropaquepts, Sulfic Haplaquets) in which this horizon is found at
greater depths (Beek et al., 1980).
Leaching and
management: The older, deeply developed acid
sulphate soils require no specific reclamation measures, and can be greatly
improved by good fertilizer application, moderate dressings of lime (1-5 t ha-1)
and, probably most important, through good water management. In reclaiming or
improving potential and young acid sulphate soils following approaches are
possible: (i) pyrite and soil acidity can be removed by leaching after drying
and aeration, and (ii) pyrite oxidation can be limited or stopped and existing
acidity inactivated by maintaining a high water table, with or without (iii)
additional liming and fertilization with phosphorus, though liming may be often
uneconomic in practical use. The reclamation method cited at (ii) above, i.e. maintaining
a high water table to stop pyrite oxidation and inactivate existing soil
acidity, has the advantage that its effects are usually noticeable much
quicker. This is especially true in young acid sulphate soils that are
generally high in organic matter. Upon waterlogging, soil reduction caused by
microbial decomposition of organic matter lowers acidity and may cause the pH
to rise rapidly to near-neutral values. The crucial factor is, of course, the
availability of fresh water for irrigation. In another study at Australia
(O’Sullivan et al., 2005) the
reclamation works served to lower the acid sulphate potential of the sediments
by increasing the height of the water table, thereby ensuring that sulphidic
sediments remain anaerobic, and by introducing carbonate containing sediments
in a slurry of seawater, both of which provide buffering capacity with the
ability to neutralize any acid formation. In the Muda irrigation project in
Malaysia, where patches of Sulfaquepts occur among better soils, improved water
management and intensive irrigation have dramatically increased the
productivity of these highly acid soils (Beek et al., 1980). However, they maintain that unless sufficient fresh
water is available and other prerequisites for good water management exist, the
potential acid sulphate soils and young, strongly acid sulphate soils should
not be reclaimed, but are better left for other types of land use, say
conservation, forestry, fisheries and, sometimes, salt pans, etc..
Seawater Intrusion
build-up in soil due to salinity ingress of ground water aquifers takes place
through the following major processes: (1) excessive and heavy withdrawals of
ground water from coastal plain aquifers, (2) seawater ingress, (3) tidal water
ingress, (4) relatively less recharge, and (5) poor land and water management.
Modeling on ground
water behaviour: Salt water intrusion takes several
forms. Horizontal intrusion occurs as the saline water from the coast slowly
pushes the fresh inland ground water landward and upward. Its cause can be both
natural (due to rising sea levels) and man induced, (say, by pumping of fresh
water from coastal wells) (Fig. 1a). Pumping from coastal wells can also draw
salt water downward from surface sources, such as tidal creeks, canals,
embayment (Fig. 1b). This type of intrusion occurs within the zone of capture
of pumping wells, which is local in nature, where significant drawdown of the
water table causes induced surface infiltration. A third of intrusion is called
‘upconing’. Upconing also occurs within the zone of capture of a pumping well,
with salt water drawn upward toward the well from salt water existing in deeper
aquifers (Fig. 1c) (Maimone,
Management models and control
of seawater intrusion:
Indiscriminate use of water resources, particularly
under ground, thus poses a major threat to destabilize
the ecosystem. Different management models at varying degrees of success have
been reported in the literature by various workers to find out developing
withdrawal management methodologies for determining the number of viable
locations for wells and the quantities of water which can be pumped from
coastal aquifers while protecting the wells from seawater intrusion in order to
satisfy the demand (social dimension), maximizing the economic benefits
(economical aspects), and controlling the saltwater intrusion (environmental
concern). One such optimisation model
was developed for planning and managing saltwater intrusion into coastal
aquifer systems (Da Silva et al.,
using the simulation/ optimisation approach for managing water resources in the
areas, suggesting the best location of the wells with specific flow rate, and
thereby, the best policies to maximize the present value of economic results of
meeting water demands, and to keep under control the saltwater intrusion.
engineering methods are in use worldwide for the control of coastal seawater
intrusion. In India sporadic work has
been done, as for example in Tamil Nadu (Chennai) and along Saurashtra Coast in
state (Mangrol-Chorwad-Veraval area). Methods that may be employed for control
of seawater ingress into aquifers are listed and described (Anon,
as: (1) Modification of ground water pumping and extraction pattern, (2)
Artificial recharge, (3) Injection
barrier, (4) Extraction barrier, (5) Subsurface
barrier, (6) Tidal regulators/ Check dam/ Reservoirs
an effective and long term solution to the problem of seawater intrusion into
ground water aquifer in the coastal plain it is necessary to develop location-specific
optimization model to decide on suitable locations of the pumping wells and
rates of withdrawal of the ground water from these wells after due
consideration of the relevant factors. Attempts for suitable constructions
either by pushing saline water front further seaward through check dams or
injection barriers, and/ or allowing more surface water infiltration to
recharge the ground water through creation of reservoirs behind the dams, or
through subsurface barriers, etc. are mostly in experimental stage though worth
consideration, and its adoption is subject to economic viability.
Integrated Water Management
the water table, rich in salts, is present at a very shallow depth (generally
not exceeding a depth of 2 m below the soil surface), it contributes salts to
the root zone during the dry season through upward capillary rise in response
to evapotranspiration demand of soil moisture. The net salt loading in the root
zone will be positive (salinity will build up) or negative (desalinization will
take place) depending upon the relative rate of recharge of salts by upward
rise to rate of downward flux of salts through leaching. The relative salt
loading will thus be treated generally as positive during dry season, and
negative (waterlogging on the soil surface) during wet season due to high
rainfall, and the process will be repeated in the each year in a seasonally
cyclic mode.
and Oosterbaan (1992) presented a practical working method on integrated water
management for Sundarbans (India) through surface gravity induced drainage
during summer/ wet season (through land shaping)-cum-excess rainwater storage
for irrigation during dry season. They computed for the same region drainable
surplus, which may be stored for irrigation during dry (deficit) period. Ambast
and Sen (2006) developed a computer simulation model and a user-friendly
software ‘RAINSIM’ for the same, developed primarily for Sundarbans region for
small holdings, based on the hydrological processes (Fig. 2), and the same
tested duly for different agro-climatic regions in India for (i) computation of
soil water balance, (ii) optimal design of water storage in the ‘On-farm
reservoir (OFR)’ by converting 20 % of the watershed, (iii) design of surface
drainage in deep waterlogged areas to reduce water congestion in 75 %

of the area, and (iv) design of a simple linear programme to propose optimal land allocation under various constraints of land, water or other critical inputs to arrive at a contingency plan for maximization of profit. They also reported use of remote sensing and GIS in mapping lowland lands, vegetation, crop yield estimation, along with performance assessment of irrigation/ drainage systems.
Irrigation Water Resources
In spite of the coastal ecosystem
presenting a delicate equilibrium among the different components there is
however no firm strategy, as of now, for exploitation of water resources for
irrigation and other purposes for long term solution in any sector. The
European Commission (2007) observed, based on a study by Spanish researchers,
how an inappropriately planned coastal development could lead to increasing water
consumption to unsustainable levels, for which future planning for sustainable
development, based particularly on water resources, should be such as not to
disturb the ecosystem in the long run. The technological developments in this
region should focus on the areas, viz. artificial recharge of the aquifer,
recycling of water, desalinzation of seawater, weather modification, improved
irrigation management practices, and use of marginally poor quality water.
It is suggested that location-specific programme on water allocation under different sources should be drawn up for each region,
based on soil, climate, water, and crop parameters, as well as their spatial
variations, as per appropriate strategies to be worked out, with minimal dependence on abstraction of water
from the underground aquifer, but with increasing dependence on other means,
like use of surface water sources by recycling of rainwater stored and fresh
water available using innovative seawater desalination technology, and
conjunctive use of marginally saline water available, with overall target to increase water productivity and cropping intensity phasewise, and conserve the ecosystem at the same time.
Management and Soil Quality
With regard to soil fertility, the coastal soils
are usually rich in available K and micro-nutrients (except Zn), low to medium
in available N and are having variable available P status (Bandyopadhyay et
al., 1985, Bandyopadhyay, 1990, Maji and Bandyopadhyay, 1991). Major
portion of the applied N fertilizer is lost through volatilization (Sen and
Bandyopadhyay, 1987). Effect of salinity on
the microbial and biochemical parameters of the salt affected soils in Sundarbans
(India) was studied at nine different sites showing that the average microbial
biomass C (MBC), average basal soil respiration (BSR), and average fluorescein
diacetate hydrolyzing activity (FDHA) were lowest during the summer season,
indicating adverse effect of soil salinity. About 59%, 50%, and 20% variation
in MBC/OC, FDHA/OC, and BSR/MBC (metabolic quotient, qCO2),
respectively, which are indicators of environmental stress, could be explained
by the variation in ECe. The decrease in MBC and microbial
activities with a rise in salinity was ascribed as probably one of the reasons
for the poor crop growth in salt affected coastal soils (Tripathi et al., 2006). It was suggested that integrated nutrient
management should be very effective for increasing its use efficiency for
higher and sustainable yield of crops (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2006, Tripathi
et al., 2007). Bandyopadhyay and Rao (2001) were of the opinion to
introduce systems approach involving organic, inorganic and biofertlizers
compatible with the farmers’ practice. According to them, it is imperative to
view the nutrient elements and their interactions with the salt components
together instead of considering each of them in isolation.
The importance of improved soil quality in the
coastal plains through higher SOC level of the soils was highlighted by
Mandal et al. (2008). IRRI characterized lowland rice soils (excluding
deepwater rice) in Asia in respect of soil quality (Haefele and Hijmans, 2009),
which includes large areas under coastal plains (Fig. 3). They grouped soil
qualities into four categories. These were: Good, Poor, Very Poor and Problem
soils. ‘Good’ and ‘Poor soils’ represent those with different degrees of
weathering but without major constraints; ‘Very Poor’ represents soils with
multiple chemical constraints (acidity, deficiency of phosphorous, or
toxicities of iron and aluminum); while ‘Problem soils’ represent those with the
most frequently cited soil problems, including acid sulphate, peat, saline, and
alkaline soils, which partly cause low fertility, and partly soil chemical

India, possibly, the first ever study made by Bhattacharyya et al. (2000) about a decade back showed
SOC pool in two soil strata under different physiographic regions including
coastal areas. The data based on soil analyses covering 43 soil series showed
the SOC data varied from 2.4 Pg to 10.9 Pg from 30 cm to 150 cm soil depth. It
will be prudent to concentrate on elaborate studies in future on monitoring SOC
pool in different soil strata in coastal areas over a long period of time,
and relate them
with sea level
rise, extent and
nature of land submergence with water, seawater
quality, extent and nature of vegetative cover, relevant soil and climatic
parameters, nature and amount of agricultural, industrial and city effluents
discharged into the sea, and any other anthropogenic factors of the locality
likely to influence SOC, etc. It should also be possible to create databank on
SOC and related factors of the past using radiocarbon dating.
and Erosion
dynamics of alluvial landscapes and natural sedimentation patterns that
determine the nutrient and energy flows in coastal areas are increasingly being
modified by human activities, in particular those that affect water flows
(dams, increased water extraction, deviation of rivers) and erosion, especially
due to deforestation. This prevents or slows down vertical accretion, thus
aggravating salt water intrusion and impairing drainage conditions in riverine,
delta or estuarine areas. It reduces or blocks sediment supply to the coast
itself, which may give rise to the retreat of the coastline through wave
erosion. Beach erosion is a growing problem and affects tourism revenue,
especially in island nations. In the Caribbean, as much as 70 percent of
beaches studied over a ten-year period were eroded.
Eutrophication, Hypoxia, Dead Zones and Nutrient Cycle
The urban developments
are taking up fertile agricultural land and leading to pollution of rivers,
estuaries and seas by sewage as well as industrial and agricultural effluents.
In turn, this is posing a threat to coastal ecosystems, their biological
diversity, environmental regulatory functions and role in generating employment
and food. Overuse of fertilizer can result in
eutrophication, and in extreme cases, the creation of ‘dead zones’. Dead zones occur when excess nutrients—usually nitrogen and
phosphorus—from agriculture or the burning of fossil fuels seep into the water
system and fertilize blooms of algae along the coast. As the microscopic plants
die and sink to the ocean floor, they feed on bacteria, which consume dissolved
oxygen from surrounding waters. This limits oxygen availability for
bottom-dwelling organisms and the fish that eat them. In dead zones, huge growths of algae reduce oxygen in the
water to levels so low that nothing can live. There
are now more than 400 known dead zones in coastal waters worldwide, compared to
305 in the 1990s, according to a study undertaken by the Virginia Institute of
Marine Science. Those numbers were up from 162 in the 1980s, 87 in the 1970s,
and 49 in the 1960s. In the 1910s, only four dead zones were identified
(Minard, 2008). Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, commonly
named as the 'Gulf Dead Zone', has doubled in size since researchers first
mapped it in 1985, leading to very large depletions of marine life in the
affected regions (Portier, 2003). He studied changes in microbial communities
as a result of oxygen depletion, the potential contribution of increasing
hypoxia to marine production and emission of N2O and CH4,
and the effect of hypoxic development on methyl mercury formation in bottom

release of fixed nitrogen (teragram)
Legumes and other plants
Fossil fuels
Biomass burning
Wetland draining
Land clearing
from human sources
Natural sources, viz. Soil bacteria, algae,
lightning, etc.
from natural sources
World Resources Institute reported that driven by a massive increase in the use
of fertilizer, the burning of fossil fuels, and a surge in land clearing and
deforestation, the amount of nitrogen available for uptake at any given time
has more than doubled since the 1940s. In other words, human activities now contribute
more to the global supply of fixed nitrogen each year than natural processes
do, with human-generated nitrogen totaling about 210 million metric tons per
year, while natural processes contribute about 140 million metric tons (Table 2).
This influx of extra nitrogen has caused serious distortions of the natural
nutrient cycle. In some parts of northern Europe, for example, forests are
receiving 10 times the natural levels of nitrogen from airborne deposition,
while coastal rivers in the Northeastern United States and Northern Europe are
receiving as much as 20 times the natural amount from both agricultural and
airborne sources (Coastal Wiki, 2008).
Climate Change
Destruction of habitats in coastal
ecosystem is caused by natural
disasters, such as cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons,
volcanism, earthquakes and tsunamis causing colossal losses worldwide. Each
year an estimated 46 million people risk flooding from storm surges. Ironically, the frequency of natural disasters is increasing
with time, almost exponentially, due to climate change, as sea level rise also
follows almost the similar trend (Sen, 2009). Coasts
in many countries, therefore, increasingly face severe problems on account of
sea level rise as a consequence of climate change (Fig. 4), leading to
potential impacts on ecosystems including damage to
reefs or move large amounts of bottom material, thus altering habitat,
biological diversity, and ecosystem function. The worst scenario
projects sea level rise of 95 cm by
the year 2100. It is projected, as extreme cases, the majority of the people
who would be affected in different countries are China (72 million), Bangladesh (13 million people and loss of 16
percent of national rice production), and Egypt (6 million people and 12 to 15
percent loss of agricultural land), while between 0.3 percent (Venezuela) and
100 percent (Kiribati and the Marshall
Islands) of the population are likely to be affected (Pachauri, 2008a,b). In
India, potential impacts on 1 m sea level rise might lead to inundation of
5,763 km2 of land including Ganges-Brahmaputra delta
facing flood risks from both large rivers and ocean storms.
from climate change population growth is possibly the single most factor, other
than those directly or indirectly related to crop production, impacting livelihood
in the coastal ecosystem. Around the world maximum people die of drowning by
storm surge. It is just astonishing to note that in the cyclone of 1970 that
struck Bangladesh more than 300000 people met a watery grave. Similar things
happen in Australia
too, but casualties were less because of lesser density of population on the
vulnerable areas (Joshi, 2007). A list of 5 deadliest natural
disasters on the coast is shown in Table 3.

Death toll
Yellow River Flood
Bhola cyclone
Indian Ocean tsunami
Population Growth
as the Driver
from climate change population growth is possibly the single most factor, other
than those directly or indirectly related to crop production, impacting livelihood
in the coastal ecosystem. Around the world maximum people die of drowning by
storm surge. It is just astonishing to note that in the cyclone of 1970 that
struck Bangladesh more than 300000 people met a watery grave. Similar things
happen in Australia
too, but casualties were less because of lesser density of population on the
vulnerable areas (Joshi, 2007). A list of 5 deadliest natural
disasters on the coast is shown in Table 3. It
has been projected that number of people living within 100 km of coastlines
will increase by about 35 percent in 2050 as compared to that in 1995. This
type of migration will expose 2.75 billion people to coastal threats from global warming such as sea level rise and stronger hurricanes

Although management of
salt affected soil catches immediate attention of all concerned for augmenting
productivity in the coastal ecosystem, the various ecological factors discussed
above, to speak the least, besides a few others, like under-sea tectonic
movement along with off-shore and on-shore protection measures required to be
undertaken, demand that it should be mandatory to give a holistic look to their
interaction matrix, and not the management of the salt affected soils alone, to
ensure lasting stability of the ecosystem.
Late Dr. J.S.P.Yadav, to whom the
symposium is dedicated, has been pioneer in drawing the attention of the nation
to the problems of the coastal ecosystem and guiding on formulating future
research agenda on a variety of issues for augmenting the productivity in agriculture.
The present paper reflects his thoughts and philosophy that the authors owe in
presenting their views, and the nation will remain deeply indebted in translating
his vision on this multiple-constrained area into action.
Ambast, S.K. and Sen, H.S. (2006)
Integrated water management strategies for coastal ecosystem. Journal of Indian Society of Coastal
Agricultural Research 24(1),
Arshad, M.A. (2008) Soil salinity
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