Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Improving the rural livelihoods in the Ganges delta through integrated, diversified cropping and aquaculture, and through better use of flood or salt affected areas









The authors are grateful for help and assistance to Dr. B.R.Sharma, Leader of BFP-IGB and Head of IWMI (India), Dr. P.K.Joshi, Former Director of NCAP, New Delhi (presently Director of NAARM, Hyderabad) (India), Dr. S.P.Sinha Roy, Retd. Member of the Central Ground Water Board (India),                Dr. Parthasarathi Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist of the Department of Science & Technology (West Bengal, India), Dr. Manoranjan K. Mandal, Sr. Scientist of BARC (Bangladesh), Dr. Shafi Noor Islam of Cottbus (Germany), Dr. Kalyan Rudra, Member of the National Flood Disaster Management  Core Group (India), Dr. M.M.Q.Mirza of the Institute of Environmental Studies of the University of Toranto (Canada), Dr. Pranabes Sanya, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Oceanography, Jadavpur University and Member of the State Coastal Zone Authority of West Bengal, Dr. Biplab Saha, Sr.Scientist of the ICAR Research Complex of Eastern Region (Bihar) for access to literatures, and to Mr. Dipankar Ghorai, SMS, KVK Burdwan for logistic support for analyses and graphics during preparation of the manuscript.


Section No.
Page No.

Executive Summary
Ganges delta
Landforms and regional setting
Tidally dominated  Ganges delta
Nature of formation and general features
Purposes of this study
Geographical locations and distributions
Climate and anthropological factors
Hydrology and water management
Neo-tectonic movement
Resuscitation of the Ganges
              -Geological features
             -Chemical characteristics and arsenic contamination
Acid sulphate soils
Salt affected soils
Forestry/ Biodiversity
Present status in research and development, socio-economic benchmarking and means to improve productivity
Contribution of agriculture to GDP
Socio-economic benchmarking in agricultural sector
Household characteristics and trend                                       
Size of farm holdings
Status of operational area
Economic status
Status in research and development 
Cropping system, areas and productivity levels
Improved crop varieties`
Soil management
Crop water productivity (WP)
Water demand and availability
Flood control and drainage
Flood forecasting
Integrated water management: Micro-watershed or OFR approach   
Land shaping
Contribution of aquaculture to GDP
Status in research and development
Different farming practices
Integrated farming approach
SWOT analyses
           -Agricultural sector
                        -Aquaculture sector
Possible technological and institutional interventions and their impacts towards the development of agriculture and aquaculture in Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta
Evolved issues or thematic plans and proposed action related to work plan
List of Institutes (for collaboration/ partnership)
Literatures cited


List of Tables and Figures

Table 1.  Geographical settings of the TDGD across India and Bangladesh along with relevant data on
               population and climate
Table 2.   Morphological, physical and physico-chemical characteristics of acid sulphate soils
Table 3.   Morphological, physical and physico-chemical characteristics of saline soils
Table 4.   Agro-chemical characteristics of soils in some of the coastal and offshore areas (saline belt)
                In Bangladesh
Table 5.   Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh at current prices (million Taka)
Table 6.   Percent Distribution of NSDP of West Bengal by economic activities (at 1993-94 constant
Table 7.   Percent contribution of NSDP of West Bengal by Tidally Dominated Districts (at 1993-94
               constant prices)
Table 8.   Area, Production and Yield of crops under TDA in WB, India (2006-07)
Table 9.   Input use per hectare under OFR in Sundarbans delta, India
Table 10. Annual total production (tonnes) of fish in Bangladesh (2007-08)
Table 11. Fish production (tonnes) in tidally dominated districts of WB, India (2006-07)

Fig.1.    Map showing the location of Ganges delta and the surrounding regions
Fig. 2.   Districts under different classes of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta
Fig. 3.   Colour image of the tidally dominated and western abandoned part of the Ganges delta
Fig. 4.   Tidally dominated area under Ganges Delta in India and Bangladesh
Fig. 5.   Share of Tidally Dominated Area in Bangladesh
Fig. 6.   Division-wise Tidally Dominated Areas in Bangladesh
Fig. 7.   Drainage status in Bangaladesh
Fig. 8.   Most affected areas by Sidr in Bangladesh
Fig. 9.   Interaction matrix of factors influencing stability and livelihood in the fragile ecosystem
Fig. 10. Average river salinity in Indian Sundarbans
Fig. 11. The increasing salinity trends in Bangladesh Sundarbans
Fig. 12. Water salinity isohalines in Bangladesh Sundarbans
Fig. 13. Hydrology of Tidally Dominated Districts of West Bengal, India
Fig. 14. Aquifers in Tidally dominated districts of West Bengal, India
Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of aquifer stratigraphy in the coastal zone of Bangladesh
Fig. 16. Arsenic affected areas in Tidally Dominated Districts of West Bengal, India
Fig. 17. Smoothed map of arsenic concentrations in ground waters in Bangladesh
Fig. 18. Distribution of manganese In ground waters in Bangladesh
Fig. 19. Soil pH and salinity status in South & North 24 Parganas
Fig. 20. Soil salinity status in South & North 24 Parganas
Fig. 21. Soil salinity status in Bangladesh
Fig. 22. Percent distribution of size of operational holdings in Bangladesh
Fig. 23. Percent distribution of size-wise operational holdings in WB (India)
Fig. 24. Status of Gross Cropped Area and Cropping Intensity in Tidally Dominated Districts of
Fig. 25. Status of cultivated area in Tidally Dominated Districts of Bangladesh
Fig.  26. Area contribution of major crops by Tidally Dominated Districts of Bangladesh
Fig. 27. Occurrence of flood in Bangladesh (left) and India (right) Gangetic basin
Fig. 28. Drainage improvement through OFR in lowland rice field in Sundarbans, India
Fig. 29. District-wise total inland fish production in TDA of Bangladesh
Fig. 30. A digramatic model of direct and indirect effects of shrimp farming

Acronyms and Definitions


ADPC:      Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre
BAU:         Business-as-Usual
ET:            Evaop-transpiration
CFAB:       Climate Forecast Application in Bangladesh
CLSAP:     Comprehensive Location Specific Agricultural Plan
CPUE:       Catch per Unit Effort
CSSRI:      Central Soil Salinity Research Institute
ECMWF:    European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting
EWD:         Environmental Water Demand
FFWC:       Flood Forecast and Warning Centre
GCA:         Gross Cropped Area
GDP:         Gross Domestic Product
ICAR:        Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Ka BP:      Thousand years before present
LGM:         Last Glacial Maximum
NCIWRD:  National Commission of Integrated Water Resource Development
NSDP:       Net State Domestic Product
OFR:         On-farm Reservoir
PPP:         Public Private Partnership    
PUSWR:   Potentially utilizable surface water resource
SHG:        Self Help Group
TD:           Tidal dominated
TDA:        Tidal dominated area
TDGD:     Tidal dominated Ganges delta        
USAID:     United States Agency for International Development
WP:          Crop water productivity


Aman              This is winter rice (as per harvesting time) and is the main rice crop (photo-
                        sensitive), grown mostly as rainfed based on southwest monsoon (kharif)
                        between July/ August and October/ November/ December, and is known as  
                        aman rice in West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh    
Aus               This is pre-kharif rice, and is known as aus in West Bengal (India) and 
Boro                This is summer photo-insensitive rice (as per harvesting time) grown as
                        irrigated between January/ February and March/ April, and is known as boro
                        in West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh 
Bund                An embankment or dike mainly used for flood protection, and known as bund   
                        In India and Bangladesh             
Crop water:     Defined quantitatively as "the physical mass of production or economic value    
productivity        of production measured against gross inflows, net inflow, depleted  
                           water, process depleted water, or available water".
Kharif:             The season of monsoon ending up in Autumn, and is known as kharif in India,
                        Bangladesh and Pakistan
Rupee             Basic monetary unit of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and
Taka                Basic monetary unit of Bangladesh

Executive Summary

The Ganges delta is one of the largest deltas in the world. The rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra flow into the delta from the northwest and the north. The landforms of the Bengal lowland, including the Ganges or Bengal delta and its surrounding region, consist of Pleistocene uplands and alluvial lowlands. The Ganges delta is distributed over Bangladesh and a major part of West Bengal (India). At the extreme south, the delta is about 360 km wide along the Bay of Bengal, and in terms of area about 80,000 km2 distributed over the two countries classifying Ganges delta into Moribund delta, Mature delta, Tidally active delta and Active delta. Throughout Pleistocene times, the site of active deltaic sedimentation has switched due either to geological factors combined with changes in the river hydrology, the latter particularly in the recent times owing mainly to human interventions, thereby affecting adversely the entire process of livelihood system including agriculture, aquaculture, and all related spheres by and large in the entire lower Ganges delta. Now, the Ganges merges with the Brahmaputra, and the site of active sedimentation lies to the east as the tidally dominated Ganges delta (TDGD), being the main domain of this paper, under the Ganges/ Brahmaputra river delta. Many of the former riverine channels act now as tidal channels (also as drainage networks), while the former saline lands have been converted to various agricultural and marine farming practices, and are under various stages of reclamation. Originally, this surface formed an extreme expanse of mangrove forests comprising major parts of the Sundarbans. The TDGD including the Sundarbans are distributed over Bangladesh and India, area under the former being higher.

With increasing population pressure and other anthropological factors along with trend of seawater rise vis-à-vis global warming and various other factors majority of the areas remain highly fragile in nature and ecologically unsustainable. Agricultural productivity including aquaculture, being the principal areas of occupation of the majority, are generally poor because of various constraints, which, along with ecological vulnerability, are responsible for abject poverty and uncertain livelihood of the local inhabitants in this ecosystem. There is need for a holistic look at the entire problem in order to seek for future road map for higher and sustainable productivity in agriculture and aquaculture and improved livelihood status of this contiguous area stretching over two countries with almost similar problems. It should be remembered that the future steps for improvement should be of mutual benefit to both the countries, more specifically the TDGD, acting as a sink of the entire river system originating thousands of miles upstream, with full regards to hydrology as well as the geo-political factors over the entire course of flow. Unfortunately, this has not happened in the past in full spirit making both countries suffer so far.

The paper delineates the areas under TDGD covering 11 districts in Bangladesh and 3 districts in West Bengal (India), and discusses their socio-economic status in terms of relevant parameters, as well as contribution of both agriculture and aquaculture to the country’s gross domestic product. An in-depth analyses have been made, in the field of agriculture, on climate, soil, drainage and hydrology, flood, ground water, and bio-diversity (including dominating mangrove species) characteristics. Vulnerability of the TDGD, being mostly low lying, to climate-induced disasters, has been highlighted rendering the areas as cyclone and flood prone. Global warming, poor drainage and unfavourable hydrology, apart from unethical human interventions, have made the situation worse threatening the livelihood for the future. The present status and future suggestions for improvement in crops, both for high yield and tolerance to soil and water stress situations, cropping system, soil management, crop water productivity, flood control and drainage have been discussed with reference to TDGD. It has been recommended to practise the micro-watershed approach through storing and recycling of excess water as an effective integrated water management strategy for bringing more area under irrigation during dry season and draining of excess water during rainy season in the otherwise pre-dominantly monocropped area with rainfed rice. Land shaping and construction of on-farm reservoir or use of derelict channels for community use have been suggested for effective implementation of the technology. However, integrated farming should be the ideal approach for higher crop water productivity relevant particularly for the water- and other input-scarce areas like TDGD. It has been suggested to work out the future availability and demand for water under different commodities for careful and long term planning of this scarce commodity. From this point of view, the trend for increasing abstraction of ground water for irrigation and urban use should be carefully studied from the point of view of rate of recharge of the ground water and scope for intrusion of saline ground water into coastal inlands with saline water. Limited applications made so far in the lower Ganges delta on flood forecasting, which could mitigate the sufferings substantially, have been highlighted. In the same context, necessity for rapid and efficient network for early trans-continent cyclone warning system needs no elaboration.

In the field of aquaculture, scope for high remunerative return has been illustrated in the background of socio-economic benchmarking and other characteristics described therein. Different farming practices, both for sweet and saline water, have been discussed highlighting the scope for integrated practice for agriculture-aquaculture as well as that for marine aquaculture in the TDGD. It has been stressed to monitor critically the impact of brackish water aquaculture on the ecology of the area, in general, including the mangrove swamps due to saline water use. 

Following a SWOT analyses detailed projections on nature of impacts have been made of specific interventions in the field of agriculture, aquaculture, their combined applications, non-farm/ allied activities, and integrated TDGD policy. In consequence to these analyses future road map has been suggested for formulation of projects/ sub-projects in five theme areas for TDGD, namely (1) Agriculture: Intensification, diversification and value  addition in sustainable  agriculture, (2) Aquaculture: Expansion, intensification and diversification of sustainable aquaculture, (3)  Integrated system with agriculture and aquaculture,                (4) Biodiversity and ecological conservation, and (5) Development of mitigation measures for disaster management. A list of important R&D agencies in both countries for working out programme in partnership mode for implementation of the projections outlined has also been illustrated.  

1 Ganges delta

1.1 Landforms and regional settings

The Ganges delta is one of the largest deltas in the world. The rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra flow into the delta from the northwest and the north. The landforms of the Bengal lowland, including the Ganges or Bengal delta and its surrounding region, consist of Pleistocene uplands and alluvial lowlands. The Pleistocene uplands in the northwest of the lowland are called the Barind Tract and in the central part, Madhupur Jungle (Morgan and MacIntire, 1959) (Fig.1). The Ganges delta is located to the south of Barind Tract and Madhupur Jungle. The Ganges delta is distributed over Bangladesh and a major part of West Bengal (India). At the extreme south, it is about 360 km wide along the Bay of Bengal, and in terms of area about 80,000 km2 distributed over the two countries (Fig. 2).

The northwestern part of the delta has broad and few natural levees, and was termed as Moribund delta by Bagchi (1944). The central part of the Ganges delta has large natural levees and broad flood basins. The southern part of the delta, facing the Bay of Bengal, is tidally active lowland with numerous tidal creeks. The region around the Meghna (mouth of the Ganges and Brahmaputra) is an Active Delta, where landforms are unstable owing the floods and impact of cyclones (Umitsu, 1993). Similar description may be found in Islam and Gnauck (2008) classifying Ganges delta into Moribund delta, Mature delta, Tidally active delta and Active delta (Fig. 2). The area under Moribund delta  covers  an  area  of  about  18,000  km2.  The  rivers  in  this  delta do not transport enough water and silt, even during flood, and being confined within high levees, are not normally in a position to inundate the entire area. The Mature delta covers about 31,500 km2 area. The eastern Active delta covers an area of about 16,500 km2 area, about 300 km long in the north-south direction and about 100 km and 130 km wide in the upper and middle reaches, respectively. The southwestern part of the delta, which is also the southern part of Sundarbans, is entirely coastal in nature and termed as Tidally active delta covering an area of about 13,500 km2 (Islam and Gnauck, 2008).  

Fig. 1. Map showing the location of Ganges delta and the surrounding regions
(Source: Umitsu, 1993)


Fig. 2.  Districts under different classes of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta
(Source: Banglapedia, http://banglapedia.search.com.bd/HT/B_0404.htm)

1.1.1     Tidally dominated  Ganges delta of formation and general features
Throughout Pleistocene times, the site of active deltaic sedimentation has switched. Now, the Ganges merges with the Brahmaputra, and the site of active sedimentation lies to the east as the tidally dominated part of the Ganges/ Brahmaputra river delta (Fig. 3). Numerous   channel  scars  dominate  the  surface   morphology  when  viewed  through satellite imageries. These scars are apparently remnants of former courses of the Ganges river and many of its distributaries. Many of these former riverine channels are now tidally dominated. The Hugli and Pusar Rivers are good examples of former major courses of the Ganges that have now become tidally dominated. The inland part of the tidal plain has been diked, and the former saline lands have been converted to various agricultural and marine farming practices. This reclaimed land has retained some of the general morphology of the original deltaic channels, but it has been modified by tidal drainage networks. Originally, this surface formed an extreme expanse of mangrove forests referred to as the Sundarbans. The mangrove swamp is also dissected by an intricate network of tidal drainage channels.

Plate D-4

Fig. 3.  Colour image of the tidally dominated and western abandoned part of the Ganges delta (A, abandoned channel scars; B, former riverine channels; C, well-defined meander belts display excellent examples of "ridge and swale" topography; D, Oxbow lakes as remnant meander channels that have been isolated by river cutoffs; E, reclaimed land retaining some of the general morphology of the original deltaic channel scars; F &G, mangrove swamps with dendritic and intricate tidal drainage channels; H, larger tidal channels form bell-shaped estuaries that are quite deep, and many of them serve as major transport arteries; I, broad mud and silt flats bordering the coast) (Source: NASA, 2008)

Thus, the areas under Tidally Active Delta and those partly under Active delta (Fig. 2) corresponding broadly to  the areas covering E to I in Fig. 3 are specifically of interest in this paper owing to their characteristically different settings across the two countries presenting a contrastingly different ecosystem than the rest in the traditional definition of Ganges delta in terms of hydrological behaviour of the rivers including sedimentation pattern as well as of the sea-underground water interface, flooding behaviour, sources of salinization and contamination of soil and underground water, characteristics of land mostly lowlands with impeded drainage and poor quality surface and underground water vis-à-vis estuarine system predominant in these areas, flora and fauna including aquatic specimens, forest especially the mangrove vegetation, agriculture and aquaculture including shrimp cultivation, in case of the former. These parts of the delta, in case of the former, are differentiated from alluvial uplands in that these have a shallow slope, contain fine-grained sediment (sand and mud), and always flow into a body of water. Alluvial plains,  on the other hand, located north to northwest to this part, are relatively steep, have more coarse-grained sediments, and are dominated by large floods flowing either onto a land surface or into a body of water. Significantly, increasing population pressure and other anthropological factors along with trend of seawater rise vis-à-vis global warming and various other factors render majority of the former areas highly fragile in nature and tend to make it ecologically unsustainable. Agricultural productivity including aquaculture, being the principal areas of occupation of the majority, in case of the former, are generally poor because of various constraints mentioned above, which, along with ecological vulnerability, are responsible for abject poverty and uncertain livelihood of the local inhabitants in this ecosystem. We find it logical to redefine and demarcate this area (Fig. 4 and Table 1) and prefer to call it as “Tidally dominated” delta, and base the discussion hereinafter on this part. Purposes of this study

1.            To delineate the Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta and discuss various characteristics acting as constraints towards poor productivity

2.            To review the present status of the various activities under agriculture and aquaculture along with benchmarking of the socio-economic status of the inhabitants factored by several constraints, technological, social, institutional or infrastructural in nature, in the Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta, and suggest means to alleviate the constraints in order to up-scale rural economy and mitigate poverty levels 

3.            To identify intervention plans on integrated approach to agriculture and aquaculture, which should improve socio-economic status of the inhabitants besides being ecologically stable

4.            To prioritize thematic areas for efficient use of salt and flood prone areas in the Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta leading to improved and sustainable rural livelihood

Fig. 4. Tidally dominated area under Ganges Delta in India and Bangladesh  Geographical locations and distributions

The TDGD across the two countries (Fig. 4) lies between latitude 21˚ 31' and 22˚ 5' N and longitude 88˚05' E and 91˚ 6' E  covering 11 districts in Bangladesh and 3 in India.Bangladesh has been divided into 6 Division and 64 Districts for administrative purpose. These are  Barisal (6 districts), Chittogong (11 districts), Sylhet (4 districts), Dhaka (17 distrcts), Khulna (10 districts) and Rajsahi (16 distrcts) Divisions. Area under TDGD is 30565 sq km, which accounts for around 21 % of Bangladesh area and distributed over three Divisions namely, Barisal, Chittogong and Khulna Division. Entire Barisal Division is characterized under TDA. More than half (54.80 %) area of Khulna Division and around 15 % area of Chittogong Divisions are charcterised under TDA (Figs. 5 & 6). Tidally Dominated districts are identified as Barisal, Bhola, Jhalakati, Pirojpur, Barguna, Patuakhali (from Barisal Division); Lakshmipur, Noakhali (from Chittogong Division); Bagerhat, Khulna, Satkhira (from Khulna Division). The TD districts of Bangladesh were accounted for housing of around 14.50 % of total population of Bangladesh (124.35 million).

Fig. 5. Share of Tidally Dominated Area in
Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2009)

Fig. 6. Division-wise Tidally Dominated Areas in Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2009)


The tidally dominated districts of WB (India) is comprised of 3 districts namely, Hugli, North 24-Parganas and South 24-Parganas. The total area under these districts is 17203 sq km.  Hugli and North 24-Parganas are characterized with high population density and the population pressure is increasing substantially.  In Hugli district the population density was 1383 per sq km during 1991, which increased to 1601 per sq km during 2001.  Similarly under North 24-Parganas the population density increased to 2182 per sq km. during 2001 from 1779 per sq km during 1991.  In contrast the population density of South 24-Parganas district is quite sparse at 693 persons per sq km in 2001, which was 574 person per sq km during 1991. The TD districts of West Bengal accounted for 26.04 % of total population of West Bengal (8.02 million). Therefore, the TDGD of Bangladesh and India together is accounted for housing of 33.54 million people.

The detailed geographical setting of each district under TDGD along with population and relevant climate data are given in Table 1. TDGD regions belong to the broad geographical unit alluvial and deltaic plain. The major physiographical sub-divisions of the region in India are lowlying flood plains, paleo channels and oxbow lakes, and deltaic plains.  The deltaic plains are confined to south-east part of tidally dominated region in India and covers bout 60% of the coastal area of West Bengal. These coastal areas occur in the form of lowlying marshy land because of its elevation below high tide mark (average being 2-3 m above mean sea level, few areas even below sesystem meander severely in its confluence with the Bay of Bengal and are divided into number of branches, enclosing and intersecting delta.  This region is traversed by a number of moribund rivers, which are primarily spill channels of Hugli river. The major rivers in thisa level).  In the southern part of the Ganges delta in India, the river Hugli with its tributary region are Hugli, Ichhamati, Raimangal, Yamuna, Vidyadhari, Kalindi, Matla, Vidya, Gosaba, Thakuran, Saptamukhi and Herobhanga, and are mostly tidal in nature. The mean range of tide of Hugli river during spring (2009) at Sagar and Daimond Harbour of South 24 Parganas district is 4.30 m and 5.00 m, respectively (Director of Marine, Port of Kolkata, 2008).

Table 1.  Geographical settings of the TDGD across India and Bangladesh along with relevant data  on population and climate

Division/ State
Geographical setting
Area (sq km)
Population (‘000’)
(Density : per sq km) (2001)
Max/Min Temp (˚C)
89˚00’-90˚20’E Long; 22˚00’-22˚30’N Lat
(Density: 463)
90˚05’-90˚40’E Long; 21˚50’-22˚40’N Lat
 (Density: 456)
90˚30’-91˚00’E Long; 21˚55’-22˚55’N Lat
 (Density: 500)
90˚05’-90˚25’E Long; 22˚20’-22˚50’N Lat
 (Density: 917)
89˚55’-90˚15’E Long; 22˚10’-22˚50’N Lat
(Density: 849)
90˚00’-90˚45’E Long; 22˚30’-23˚00’N Lat
 (Density: 844)
91˚00’-91˚30’E Long; 22˚10’-23˚00N Lat
(Density: 716)
90˚40’-91˚00’E Long; 22˚30’-23˚10’N Lat
 (Density: 1,023)
89˚30’-90˚00’E Long; 21˚45’-23˚00’N Lat
 (Density: 391)
89˚15’-90˚00’E Long; 21˚40’-23˚00’N Lat
(Density: 541)
89˚00’-89˚20’E Long; 21˚40’-22˚50’N Lat
 (Density: 483)
West Bengal
South 24-Parganas
89˚04’50”-88˚03’45”E Long; 22˚33’45”-21˚29’00”N Lat
(Density: 693)
North 24-Parganas
89˚06’E Long;
22˚57’N Lat
(Density: 2182)
88˚30’15”-87˚30’20”E Long; 23˚01’20”-22˚39’32”N Lat
(Density: 1601)
Sources: Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics, Govt. of West Bengal, India (2007);  Bangladesh Meteological Department; Bangladesh Bureau of Sttatsitics (2008)

The deltaic plains of Bangladesh is lowlying and subject to frequent flooding.  Most elevation are less than 10 m above mean sea level and elevation decreases towards south, where terrain is generally at sea level. This plain is a part of the larger plain of Bengal which is sometimes called the Lower Gangetic Plain.  Numerous rivers are flowing to south in this delta region.  The major network of river is Padma-Ganges river system which is divided into two sections:  a 258 km segment, in which Ganges extends from the western border of India to its confluence with Yamuna some 72 km west of Dhaka; and a 126 km segment, Padma, which runs from Ganges.  Padma confluences to where it joins Meghna river at Chandipur.  It is the central part of the deltaic river system in Bangladesh with hundreds of rivers and streams, about 2100 km in length, flowing generally east or west into Padma. During monsoon the rivers cause flooding and same time drain excess monsoon rainfall into Bay of Bengal.  Tidal and estuarine flood plains cover about 98 % of central area of Bangladesh. In the tidally dominated region, tidal flood plains occur at Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Jhalokhali, Barisal and Patuakhali districts.  In these coastal districts of Bangladesh high tide rivers flow up to 1.3 m above general ground level.  On the east of Sundarbans the highest tide could inundate lands upto 2.0 m depth or more.  The estuarine flood plains occur in Noakhali, Bhola and Patuakhali districts of tidally dominated Ganges delta.  Lowlying and flat topography region as well as deposition of silt on river beds rather than in flood plains region cause drainage congestion problem in tidally dominated Ganges delta. This region, both in India and Bangladesh (Fig. 7), can be categorized as poorly to very poorly drained. Climate and   
            anthropological factors

Fig. 7.   Drainage status in Bangladesh (Source: Soil Resource Development Institute, SRDI, Bangladesh)

The tidally dominated Ganges delta has sub-tropical monsoon climate characterized by moderately warmer temperatures, high rainfall and high humidity.  It has three district seasons:  hot, humid summer from March to June with occasional pre-monsoon shower in the later part of the season; humid monsoon season from June to October; and cool winter from October to March.  January is the coldest month and April is the hottest month in this region.  The max summer temperature and minimum winter temperatures vary from 35.5 to 390C and 8-110C, respectively (Table 1).  The annual total rainfall varies from 1606 to 3302 mm (Table 1).  Rainfall is received mostly from Southwest monsoon and about 80% of the total annual rainfall occurs from July to mid-September.  The wind blows from South to Southwest during summer, to Southwest during monsoon, and North to Northeast during winter.  Due to proximity of Bay of Bengal this TDGD frequently witnesses north-westerns (March to May) and cyclonic storms (early summer and late monsoon season), which cause huge damages by way of loss of lives infrastructures and properties. During 1891 to 1989, South and North 24 Parganas districts in India experienced 23 devastating cyclone (NIDM, India).  Recently Aila Cyclone occurred in May, 2009 causing huge loss of human and animal lives, properties, infrastructures and livelihoods across the entire TDGD, more in the Indian part. Large areas had been inundated with saline water, which turned agricultural land not suitable for crop production.  In Bangladesh, on an average 1-3 severe to moderate cyclones occur every year. During recent past, major devastating cyclones occurred in 1970, 1985, 1999, 2007 and 2009.  Sidr cyclone, which struck the tidally dominated region in Bangladesh on November, 2007 with a wind velocity of 250 km, caused huge damages (Fig. 8).

The TDGD, both in India and Bangladesh, are vulnerable to floods.  India is considered to be the worst flood prone country in the world after Bangladesh and accounts for one-fifth of global death count due to flooding. About 40 Mha are vulnerable to floods and an average 8 m ha areas are affect by floods every year. 

Fig. 8. Most affected areas by Sidr in Bangladesh (Source: http://www.horizonmapping.net/projects farmers_voice/fv_gallery/cyclonemaps.html)
In Bangladesh, every year slightly over 50 % of its land areas becomes flooded, and in extreme cases, more than 75 % area of the country is inundated by disasters, mostly  due to floods. After independence, Bangladesh suffered from devastating floods in 1974, 1987, 1988, 1998, 2004 and 2007.  In India and Bangladesh floods are caused mainly due to extreme spatial and temporal variation of monsoon rainfall. The concentration of 75-80 % of monsoon rainfall during short period results in carrying of heavy discharge by almost all the rivers. The flood hazard is further aggravated by sedimentation of rivers, drainage congestion and synchronization of river floods with sea tides in the coastal plains.  Besides the above, storm surge, which results from the sea being driven on to the land by meteorological forces, becomes another factor to cause damage in TDA both in India and Bangladesh. The storm surge due to tropical cyclone in the Bay of Bengal occasionally causes disaster in this delta region.  The storm that produces surge also gives rise to heavy rainfall in land, as a result this region is likely to suffer from simultaneous occurrence of river flooding and storm surge.

The TDA of India and Bangladesh being mostly coastal are thus subjected to high degree of risk due to climate as well as anthropogenic and various other factors, as a result the areas very often suffer from huge loss of human lives as well as other precious resources rendering it highly fragile in nature (Fig.9). The problem is further compounded due to climate change. The IPCC and many other organizations predicted climate change threatening extreme events (e.g., storm, cyclone, sea level rise, flood, heavy rainfall, etc) likely to occur even more frequently which may make the livelihood pattern more vulnerable in coming future. IPCC has already demarcated TDA (Bangladesh and India) as likely to be one of the worst hit due to climate change.

 Fig. 9.  Interaction matrix of factors influencing stability and livelihood in the fragile ecosystem Hydrology and water management Neo-tectonic movement

The TDA is located at the tail end of Ganges basin. Due to neo-tectonic movement during 16th to 18th century the Bengal basin had tilted easterly along a hinge zone starting from Sagar (Indian Sundarbans) to north of Malda (West Bengal, India), finally curving towards Dhaka (Bangladesh). As a result of this, the flow of Ganges river started coursing through the river Padma in Bangladesh leaving Hugli with the erstwhile course as a mere tidal channel. During 16th – 18th century innumerable distributaries were generated from Ganges which formed huge network of creeks and channels within Sundarbans delta of India and most of them now act as brackish water channels.  Resuscitation of the Ganges

The construction of a barrage across the Ganga and diversion of water towards the Bhagirathi was first suggested by Sir Arthur Cotton in 1853, following which many other British engineers supported the idea although they were not unanimous on the location of the construction. The construction located at Farakka in West Bengal, known popularly by its name, 12 km upstream of the diversion of the river into Hugli-Bhagirathi flowing through India and Ganga-Padma into Bangladesh and their tributaries - all finally terminating into the Bay of Bengal - then started in 1962 and completed in 1971. The hypothesis of arithmetic hydrology worked out in favour of the barrage was subsequently proved too inadequate to bring about any positive impact either to flush out sediment load to increase navigational prospect for the Kolkata Port or to share dry season flow between the two countries for their mutual benefits, the very purposes for which it was conceived. The sediment movement in tidal estuary of the Hugli is the function of a complex fluvial system that can hardly be governed by inducing 40000 cusec (1132 cumec) of flow. The available flow dwindled to 454 cumec in the first week of April causing declining not only navigability for the Kolkata Port, but also the ecology of the TDGD areas as a whole across both countries. The adverse effect in the Indian part could be verified from the fact that the annual quantum of dredging increased from 6.40 MCM during pre-Farakka days to 13.24 MCM during post-Farakka days quoted up to 1995, and then to 21.18 MCM quoted for 1999-2003 (Rudra, 2006). Besides, sediments are trapped in the barrage-pond raising the level significantly and also encouraging the river course to change its direction both upstream and downstream.

The Indo-Bangladesh agreement (1996), valid for 30 years, over the sharing of Ganga water was based on the average discharge of the river during preceding last four decades (1949-1988). There was little compatibility between computed flow in 1977 and the actually available flow at Farakka after that, the reason being that the lean season flow during the earlier decades much higher than what it was later. In short, the treaty of 1996 was framed without any regard to the projected demand of water in the Ganga basin in the ensuing decades, thereby affecting both the countries. Colossal looses are taking place in the Indian part as a regular feature due to erosion of banks and flooding each year.   

It thus should not be lost sight of that the prospects of agriculture and allied activities and livelihood security should depend upon geo-hydrology and, in turn, on the sedimentation and hydrology in the TDGD. It is true that the dynamic equilibrium of the Ganga river and its tributaries have been largely disturbed due to inadequate planning for the construction of the barrage. Government of India, realizing this, constituted experts’ committees for a possible solution. Rudra (2006) reviewed the entire history and concluded that a holistic approach is required to ensure security to the inhabitants on either side of the Ganga.
Due to lack of turbulence caused as a result of upstream flow surface water salinity values near estuarine month is usually lower than in the inner estuary. There is reduction of water salinity of river located at western part of Sundarbans (Fig.10) after the commissioning of a Barrage on Ganges river at Farakka (India) in April, 1975 in order to divert water and make the Bhagirathi – Hugli river navigable. However, the diversion of Ganges water appears to have reduced the dry season discharge of the Ganges and Gorai, the latter being one of the distributaries of Ganges that supplies water from Ganges to south west region of Bangladesh

Fig. 10.  Average river salinity in Indian Sundarbans (Source: AR of CICFRI, 1997)

This reduction of discharge of Gorai river in Bangladesh is reported to have increased the sedimentation and salinity of the southwestern part of the country. A perusal of the data due to installation of Farakka barrage shows that the river water salinity in the Sundarbans region of Bangladesh is much higher in the southern and southwestern rivers, moderate in middle areas, and lower in the northern part of Sundarbans (Figs. 11&12). Sen (2010) suggested for future improvements and overcome the constraints due to reduced water flow into the Farakka barrage.

Fig. 11. The increasing salinity trends in Bangladesh Sundarbans (Source: Islam and Gnauck, 2008)

Fig. 12. Water salinity isohalines in Bangladesh Sundarbans (Source: Islam and Gnauck, 2008)

Geological features: In Indian part of TDA underground  water  occurs  in  porous  alluvial  formation (Fig. 13) both under  water  table  and   confined conditions. The yield of the aquifer is about 150 m3 hr-1. Fresh ground water bearing aquifer is occurring at varying depths ranging from 180 to 360 m bgl with the drilled depth of 600 m bgl.  The fresh groups of aquifers are sandwiched between saline / brackish aquifers (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Aquifers in Tidally dominated districts of West Bengal, India (Source: Central Ground Water Board, Govt. of India)

Fig. 13.  Hydrology of Tidally Dominated Districts of West Bengal, India (Source: Central Ground Water Board, Govt. of India)

Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of aquifer stratigraphy in the coastal zone of Bangladesh (Source: Rahaman and Bhattacharya, 2006)

In the coastal area of Bangladesh, geo-hydrological conditions vary considerably even with short distances. Ground water, with a gradient of about 1:20000 flows from north to south having localized outflow into rivers and ponds in the dry season and inflow into the aquifers from surface water sources in the rainy season. The schematic diagram of aquifer stratigraphy in the coastal zone of Bangladesh is shown in Fig. 15. Rahaman and Bhattacharya (2006) while discussing on the Bengal Basin mentioned that it was dissected and in-filled many times by the major rivers during Pleistocene times leading up to the last glacial maximum (LGM) at 18 ka BP (ka BP = thousands years before present) when sea level stood some 130 m lower than the present. The flooded coastal plain and incised channels of Bangladesh were rapidly filled by estuarine, deltaic and alluvial sediments in the latest Pleistocene/ Holocene transgression. The sediments that filled the accommodation space created by those incised channels have distinctly different hydraulic and geochemical properties from those inter-fluvial sediments that predate ter them. The aquifer sands are fined to medium grained with hydraulic conductivities of 10-50 m d-1 and contain water that is less reducing, low in Fe and As, and is generally less mineralized. Aquitards are more prominent southwards and normally contain brackish ground water. The brackish water is connate, and locally leaks into underlying sands. As the aquifers become more strongly confined the waters tend to become more reducing and higher in Fe.  

Pliocene to Holocene sediments are extensively tapped to supply drinking water and the majority of irrigation and industrial supplies. Aquifers below about 150 m have been intensively pumped for municipal supply over a period of 20-30 years in towns such as Khulna, Barisal and Noakhali. The intrusion of saline water inland determines the suitability of estuary water for different purposes. During the wet season the vertical variation of salinity may play a role in the seasonal storage of sediment at the outside of the estuary. Because of its shallow depth, the Meghna Estuary is generally a well-mixed estuary where the salinity is constant in a vertical water column (BWDB and others, 1998). During the monsoon, the Land Reclamation Project and Meghna Estuary Survey measured an approximately 100 km long line (Kutubdia - Sandwip) that develops in the southeastern part of the estuary where vertical variation occurs when a layer of brackish water moves in with the tide in the form of a salt wedge.     

Salinity intrusion thus has been found to increase either due to a decrease of fresh water flow in the lower Meghna river during the dry season or due to further penetration of tide into the river system. Intrusion may, however, be aggravated by upstream withdrawal of water and the reducing size of floodplains, besides by climatic change impacts like a decrease in dry season rainfall and sea level rise.

Chemical characteristics and arsenic contamination: In India, the top saline/ brackish aquifer lies within the depth span of 20 m – 180 m with max depth of 320 m bgl in the extreme south.  The shallow fresh water aquifers occurs in level deposit within 50 m bgl in Baruipur - Sonarpur – Bhangar – Canning tract in South 24 Parganas district.  The important chemical types of ground water are Ca-Mg-HCO3 type for low mineralized water in North 24 Parganas and Hugli districts and Na-HCOtype in South 24 Parganas and Ca-Mg-Cl in some  isolated patches in delta region.  In general, Cl content in South 24 Parganas is high (< 1000 mgl-1) in upper aquifer (20 – 150 m depth range) with specific conductance at high value (< 1500 dSm-1 at 250C).  However, aquifers at deeper depth (115 – 350 m) this district is relatively fresh and Cl content is within permissible limit. Owing to the sub-marine and estuarine environment in which sediments are deposited and also owing to saline water intrusion as a result of proximity to the sea and tidal influence, the Cl content in upper aquifer of South 24 Parganas district is at high level. The salinity in ground water in this district in also higher (< 3000 µS cm-1 at 250c). 

Text Box: Fig. 16. Arsenic affected areas in Tidally Dominated Districts of West Bengal, India (Source: Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India)                     

vt. of India)

The iron content in ground

water in all the districts of India in tidally dominated areas is at high level (< 1.0 mgl-1). The arsenic contamination problem in ground water in West Bengal has been reported during 1980’s. The ground water of 29 blocks in 3 districts (North 24 Parganas – 19 blocks, South 24 Parganas– 9 blocks & Hugli – 1 block) in Indian part of the TDGD is affected by arsenic (Fig. 16). In these areas, arsenic content (< 0.01 – 2.0 mol-1) in ground water occurs in 20 m – 60 m depth. However, high arsenic content below 60 m depth is also reported at few locations.

In Bangladesh, majority of the aquifer is classified as unconfined or semi-confined aquifers.  The aquifer systems are of two types; an upper aquifer system  made of quaternary to recent sediments with a thickness upto 30 m and a lower aquifer system  expanding to a depth of 1600 m.  In TDA of Ganges delta in Bangladesh  upper aquifer is contaminated with salinity and fresh water exists in lower aquifer system  (< 300 m depth).

The ground water of Bangladesh is largely contaminated by arsenic.  Out of 64 districts, the ground water of 61 districts at shallow aquifer is contaminated by arsenic exceeding safe limit ( 0.05 mgl-1) for drinking purpose. The concentration of arsenic in ground water is highly variable over short distance.  In spite of extreme variability of arsenic at a local scale, there are variable trends on a regional scale that relate closely to geological control.  The regional variation of arsenic indicates worst-affected areas located in south and southeast regions of Bangladesh (Fig. 17). The data in Fig. 17 have been smoothed (to a 5 km grid) to highlight the main features.
The concentration of arsenic varies in the range of < 0.01-15mgl-1.  High arsenic concentration in ground water is mostly present in shallow aquifer up to a depth of  70 m, while deeper aquifers are free from arsenic contamination (Agarwal et.al., 2000).  Besides arsenic, iron and manganese are present in high concentration in the ground water of Bangladesh.  The concentration of iron is found upto 25 mgl-1.  The manganese content in ground water is presented in Fig. 18. The high concentration of boron in ground water is also found in some higher salinity areas in Southern Bangladesh.

Fig. 17.  Smoothed map of arsenic concentrations in ground waters in Bangladesh (Source: BGS and
DPHE, 2001)

Fig. 18. Distribution of manganese In ground waters in  Bangladesh (Source: BGS and DPHE, 2001) Soils

The soils of the tidally dominated area under Ganges delta are generally occupying deltaic geomorphic position and have developed on alluvium.  Taxonomically majority of the soils in these areas are of the order of Entisols and Inceptisols. The soils have Hyperthermic temperature and Aquic moisture regime. The region is having a flat topography with elevation of about 1.5 – 12 m from mean sea level (MSL).  The soils are usually heavy textured and texture varies from clay to silty loam.  However, light textured soil i.e. sandy to sandy loam soils are also found at places. Acid sulphate soils

Soil reaction values (pH) in this region varies generally from 6.0 – 8.5.  However, highly acidic soil (pH 4.0) is also found in patches mostly in the Sundarbans region in this Ganges delta.  A thematic map sowing soil pH status of surface soils in North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas districts located in Indian portion of tidally dominated area of Ganges delta is presented in Fig. 19.  The strong acidity of soil is developed due to oxidation of pyrite (FeS2) and other oxidizing sulphidic materials present in the soil, termed as acid sulphate soils. These soils are locally known as  ‘Koimuro’ and ‘Kosh’ soil in India and Bangladesh, respectively. Zerosite mottle is generally found in the soil profile. Profile characteristics of a representative acid sulphate soil in North 24 Parganas district in India are given in Table 2.

 Fig. 19. Soil pH and salinity status in South & North 24 Parganas (Source: Bandyopadhyay et al., 2003)

Table 2. Morphological, physical and physico-chemical characteristics of acid sulphate soils
Pedon :  Deuli, P.S.  Hingalganj, district North 24 Parganas
Soil classification: Fine-loamy, mixed hyperthermic  Sulfic Endoaquents

        Colour (moist)
2.5Y 7/4
5Y 6/1
5Y 6/1
5Y 4/1
5Y4/4,f 2d
5Y 5/1
Special feature: Jarosite mottles

Ionic composition of saturation extract (m.e. l-1)
(c mol (p+) kg-1)
(Source: Bandyopadhyay et al., 2003)

The acid sulphate soils in Sundarbans areas are widely variable in organic C content with high value at the surface because of deposition of organic matter and it decreases with depth.  In some areas high organic C at lower depth indicates early deposition of organic matter in the soil.  The CEC values ranges from 5 to 28 C mol kg-1 or more.  The variation in CEC values is related to variation in organic matter and clay content in soil.  In general, exchangeable Mg+2  concentration is very high in the profile compared to Ca+2 concentration, which suggests old marine deposits and Ca+2 largely leached from the exchangeable complex. These soils are low to medium in available N content, poor in available P content and high in available K content.  The highly deficient available P content in acid sulphate soils is because of the high P fixation capacity of the soil.  High K status in the soil is due to presence of K containing illitic materials and K containing salts like KCl and K2SO4.  Under highly acidic condition, Fe and Al are present in toxic level.  The high S content in the soil is attributed to presence of sulphuric horizon within the soil profile.  These soils are generally poor in Zn and Cu content. Salt affected soils

Fig. 20. Soil salinity status in South & North 24 Parganas (Source: Bandyopadhyay et al., 2003)

Most of the tidally dominated areas under Ganges delta are affected by salinity. The salinity development in the soils is primarily attributed to tidal flooding, frequent inundation of saline water from sea or river coupled with drainage congestion during monsoon (June to October) and upward capillary movement of saline water from brackish ground water located at shallow depth (usually around 1 m depth throughout the year) during post-monsoon period. The salinity level is highly variable due to seasonal changes. It may vary from 0.5 to 50 dSm-1 or more.  It is highest in summer and lowest in monsoon season.  During monsoon, the salinity levels in soils are within the safe limit due to leaching and washing of salt through monsoon rains.  After monsoon, the salinity starts increasing due to upward capillary movement of salt following evaporation. The salt distributions in soils of this region of both India and Bangladesh are presented in Figs.20 &21.  The soil salinity increases from northern to southern part of this delta.  In Indian portion, it increases toward east.  The salts are dominated by Cl- and SO4 = of Na, Mg, Ca and K.  In general saline soils in the tidally dominated areas are low in fertility status.  They are low in available N content, low to medium in available P content and high in available K content. Except Zn and Cu, other micro-nutrients in the soils are generally high in status.  The soil profile characteristics of saline soils of eastern side of Sagar island in India are given in Table 3.  Properties of salt affected soils of some districts of Bangladesh in tidally dominated Ganges delta are presented in Table 4.

Fig. 21. Soil salinity status in Bangladesh (Source: SRDI, 1998)        


Table 3. Morphological, physical and physico-chemical characteristics of saline soils

Pedon 2:  Kamalpur, P.S.Sagar Island, district South 24 Parganas
Soil classification: Fine, mixed hyperthermic Vertic Endoaquents



        Colour (moist)

5Y 5/2
5Y 5/1
5Y 5/1
10YR 6/8,c2p
5Y 4/1
10YR 6/8,m2p
5Y 4/1
10YR 6/8.m2p
Special feature: Presence of cracks and slicken-slide within 125 cm.

Ionic composition of saturation extract
(m.e. l-1)
(c mol (p+) kg-1)
(Source: Bandyopadhyay et al., 2003)

Table 4. Agro-chemical characteristics of soils in some of the coastal and offshore areas (saline belt) in Bangladesh



Total N %




















Source: Haque (2006) Forestry/ Biodiversity

Sundarbans, the world’s largest continuous block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest is located in the TDGD region across India and Bangladesh. It was inscribed on the UNECO World Heritage list in 1987 and declared as Biosphere Reserve in 1989. The Indian Sundarbans is located in South and North 24 Parganas districts and covers an area of 9630 sq km out of which 4246 sq km is under reserve forest (Sundarbans Tiger Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuaries at Sajnekhali, Lothian and Holiday islands) and rest areas are inhabited. The Bangladesh Sundarbans forest occupies parts of Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat districts and covers an area of about 6000 sq km.

The Sundarbans is very rich in flora and fauna. Mangrove vegetation consists of numbers of trees and shrubs growing on sheltered shores, tidal flats, deltas, estuaries, bays, creeks and barrier islands. They are physiologically adopted to salinity stress and waterlogged anaerobic mud. The major mongrove specises in Sundarbans are Heritiera fomes, Rhizophora spp., Bruguiera spp., Griops decandra, Xylocarpus spp., Excoecaria spp., Avicennia spp., Nypa fruticans, Sonneralia spp., and Aegialitis spp.  An the Indian Sundarbans receives less fresh water inflow than its counterpart in Bangladesh, Heritiera and Nypa dominated in the eastern part of Indian Sundarbans.

Sundarbans is home to many different species of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles and fishes. The entire forest is home to the famous Royal Bengal Tiger. Apart from the tiger other mammals such as fishing eats, macaques, wild boar, common grey, mongoose, fox, jungle cat, flying fox, bangolin, chital etc. are found in Sundarbans.  A large number of fish and invertebrates are found in Sundarbans as they utilize the food resources available in plenty in the area since the primary productivity is high in mangrove system.  Around 250 species of fish have been recorded in the estuaries of Indian Sundarbans.  Few fish species use mangroves as permanent habitant, but numerous marine specieses use mangrove as nursery ground. Marine fishes like Hilsa, Pama, Sillaginopsis and Pollynemus updrive through the estuaries to breed in fresh water conditions.  Ariusp, Osteogeniosus spp., Polydoctyces spp., etc. enter the estuary to freed.  Fresh water form of fish which migrate to estuary for breeding include Catfish, Pangasius spp., and eels. The Sundarbans forest plays an important role in environmental and ecological processes.  Mangrove plays an essential role in sediment repository, stabilizes shorelines, a buffer against cyclone, tidal waves and storm surges that are common in the area. Sundarbans is rich in resources like forest, fish, wildlife and water.  It provides livelihood and employment of large section of people working as wood cutters, fisherman, honey and wax collectors, grass, leaves and fuel wood collectors, and as employees in the industries dependent on the forest resources like newsprint mill, hard board mill, match factory, saw mills, fisheries and fish refrigerator plants, shrimp farms, wood processing operators etc. Exports of dried fish, shrimps, crabs and honey brings substantial foreign exchange. Sundarbans offer scenic beauty for adventure and eco-tourism.

2  Present status in research and development, socio-economic benchmarking and means to improve productivity

2.1     Contribution of agriculture to GDP

The economy of TDGD is almost entirely dependent upon agriculture and allied activities since these influence the livelihoods of the majority of rural inhabitants in both these countries. 

The GDP of Bangladesh has been estimated to be 6149.32 billion Taka during 2008-09. The GDP growth rate of Bangladesh hovered around 6 percent (at 1995-96 constant prices) during 2004-05 to 2008-09. The share of agriculture and fisheries sector is gradually declining and accounted for 19.76 % of total GDP during 2008-09, which was, however, 21.58 % during 2004-05. Within this sector fisheries and livestock sub-sectors are major contributors showing good performance potential in terms of growth rate. Presently, nearly 60 % of the total workforce thrives on agriculture sector (Table 5).

Table 5. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh at current prices (million Taka)

Crops & Horticulture   
Animal farming
Forestry related service
Agriculture total
Agriculture and fishery
Bangladesh total
% share of agriculture
% share of fisheries to Bangladesh GDP
% share of animal to agri & fishery
% share of fisheries to agri & fisheries
Growth rate (current prices)
Growth rate (constant prices)
Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2008)

The TD districts were contributing around a quarter of NSDP of West Bengal. Within the TD districts 24 Parganas (N) alone was contributing around 10 % of state’s NSDP and other two districts, South 24 Parganas (S) and Hugli were contributing around 7 % each. Overall the contribution of agriculture to NSDP has been experienced to be in declining state. The estimation indicated that the share of agriculture to total NSDP of West Bengal was marginally over 30 % during 1993-94, which declined to 25 % during 1999-00, and further declined to 21 % during 2003-04. Declining trend in agriculture’s share to NSDP is mainly due to income rise from other sources (manufactured and service sector), which is a positive indication for economic transformation for the state. However, the share of people dependent on agriculture should also decline simultaneously.  Contribution of forestry to total NSDP has been very meager (less than 1 %) during preceding decade. Fishery’s contribution to NSDP also indicated a declining trend from 3.68 % in 1993-94 to 2.96 % during 1999-00 and further declined to 2.74 %. Although fishery’s contribution to state’s NSDP was observed to be declining (from 2.96 % to 2.74 % during 1999-00 to 2003-04) this sector (fishery) has been observed to be most promising under the TD districts of West Bengal. In 24 Parganas (N & S) districts the share of fishery sector has shown increasing trend from 6.78 % & 2.51 % to 7.23 % & 4 % under 24 Parganas (S) and 24 Parganas (N), respectively during the period. However, the share of forestry sector has been accounted for less than one percent during the same period of time (1999-00 and 2003-04) (Tables 6&7).

Table 7. Percent contribution of NSDP of West Bengal by Tidally Dominated Districts (at 1993-94 constant prices)
2003-04 (P)
24 Parganas (N)
24 Parganas (S)
West Bengal
Source: Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics (2006), Govt. of West Bengal
Note: Figures in parentheses indicate total in Rs. crore (million X 101)
Table 6. Percent distribution of NSDP of West Bengal by economic activities

2003-04 (P)
Source: Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics (2006), Govt. of West Bengal
 Note: Figures in parentheses indicate total in Rs crore (million X 101), based on 93-94 prices

2.1.1    Socio-economic benchmarking in agricultural sector Household characteristics and trend          

As per the agricultural census of 2008, total number of households in Bangladesh has been estimated to be 28.67 million, out of which 11.56 % dwell in urban areas and rest (88.44 %) dwell in rural areas indicating that Bangladesh is primarily a rural-based country. During 2001 the total no of households were 24.85 million and thus the compound growth rate of households has been estimated at 2 % per annum. A farm household is defined as a holding whose net cultivated area is 0.02 ha or more. As per Agriculture Census, 2008, the total number of agricultural farm households was 14.72 million, which accounted for 51.33% of the total households (includes rural plus urban farm households). In 1983-84, the percentage of farm households in the rural areas was 72.70 %. It decreased to 66.18 % and 56.74 % (only rural farm households) in the year 1996 and 2008, respectively. Barisal (65.12 %) and Khulna (57.09 %) Division comprised of maximum no of farm household in the country. TDA accounted for 10.67 % of total households and 16.12 % of total farm households of Bangladesh.

In TD districts of West Bengal, majority (84 %) of the population dwell in rural areas under 24 Parganas (S) district. The rural population under Hugli and 24 Parganas (N) has been calculated to be 56 % and 46%, respectively. Around 37 % of the total population are active workers and rest (67 %) has been categorised as non-workers or dependent under Hugli district. Similarly, nearly 33 % of the total population has been estimated to be active workers in other two districts.  Within  the working categories around 10-16 per cent has been observed to be engaged in cultivation practices. Nearly one quarter of workers were engaged as agricultural labourers under both Hugli & 24 Parganas (S) districts. The share of agricultural labourers to total labourers were much less in 24 Parganas (N) district which accounted for 14 % only. Size of farm holdings

Bangladesh as a country is dominated by the small (0.2 -1.0 ha) and marginal (0.02- 0.2 ha) categories of farm holdings. Merely half (49.85 %) of farm holdings belong to small holdings, followed by marginal holdings (38.63 %), medium holdings (10.34 %) and large holdings (1.17 %), while existence of landless farmer are also quite prevalent accounting for 14.03 %. The perusal of size-wise classification of farm holdings in the districts under TDGD indicate that marginal holdings dominate followed by small holdings which is contrast to the scenario for Bangladesh as a whole. Under tidally dominated districts, the farm holdings are more fragmented and Khulna district accounted for large number of landless farmers (21.06 %) as compared to the data for the country as a whole (14.03 %). Under this scenario, probably the various combination of livelihoods will be better option rather than the heavy reliance of crop sector (Fig. 22).

The operational holding size in TD districts of West Bengal (India) is  dominated  by marginal (85 %) and small farmers (12 %). As far as area of holding is concerned, marginal and small farmers possess around 60 % and 12 % of the total area, respectively. The share of land holdings under other categories has been calculated to be less than 10 %. Average size of hidings has been estimated to just over 0.60 ha only.   
Fig. 22. Percent distribution of size of operational holdings in Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2009)


In West Bengal the size classification is followed as marginal (<1 and="" ha="" large="" medium="" semi-medium="" small=""> 10 ha). This classification is different from Bangladesh where the categories are marginal: 0.02 - 0.20 ha, small: 0.2 – 1.0 ha, medium: 1.0 – 3.0 ha, and large: 3.0 ha and above (Fig.23).
Fig. 23. Percent distribution of size-wise operational holdings in WB (India) (Source: Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics, 2009)
Bangladesh as a country is dominated by the small (0.02 -1.0 ha) and Marginal (0.02- 0.2 ha) categories of farm holdings. Merely half (49.85 %) of farm holdings belong to small holdings, followed by marginal holdings (38.63 %), medium holdings (10.34 %) and large holdings (1.17 %), while existence of landless farmer are also quite prevalent accounting for 14.03 %. The perusal of size-wise classification of farm holdings in the districts under TDGD indicate that marginal holdings dominate followed by small holdings which is contrast to the scenario for Bangladesh as a whole. Under TDA the farm holdings are more fragmented and Khulna district accounted for large number of landless farmers (21.06 %) as compared to the data for the country as a whole 14.03 %). Under this scenario, probably the various combination of livelihoods will be better option rather than the heavy reliance of crop sector.

The operational holding size in TD districts of West Bengal (India) is dominated by marginal (85 %) and small farmers (12 %). As far as area of holding is concerned, marginal and small farmers possess around 60 % and 12 % of the total area, respectively. The share of land holdings under other categories has been calculated to be less than 10 %. Average size of hidings has been estimated to just over 0.60 ha only.  Status of operational area
The TDGD accounted for 16.31 % of total operational holdings of Bangladesh. Per holding operational area ranges between minimum of 0.26 ha in Khulna to a maximum of  0.57 ha in Pirojpur district. Most of the tidally dominated districts (8 out of 11) are characterized with slightly higher per holding operational area in comparison to Bangladesh (0.33 ha) as a whole. Similar trend was observed in respect of per capita operational holdings also.  Per capita operational holdings (0.06 – 0.12 ha) were marginally higher in most of the TDA than the national average (0.07 ha). 

The TDGD of West Bengal (India) accounted for 20.21 % of total operational holdings. Out of this, the share of marginal categories has been estimated to be highest (21.45 %) followed by small (16.46%), semi-medium (11.25 %), medium (7.62 %) and large (4.71 %) categories. The average operational holdings has been observed to be 0.60 –0.66 ha under TD districts of West Bengal.  Economic status

The TDGD of Bangladesh and West Bengal India are representing one of the most under-developed and disadvantaged groups not only within the respective countries but also in the world. Majority of the population live below the poverty line and they are engaged in traditional livelihoods, working as fisher folk, wage labourers, agriculture labourers, honey collectors, or carrying deep sea fishing, collecting firewood, and catching fingerlings of prawn. Overall the TDGD of both the countries are generally risk prone and characterized with poor livelihood standard; average age, per capita land, access to education, health service, social security and other infrastructural facilities, etc., especially in the coastal areas are very much on the lower side  than those in the mainland. As a result, the social and economic vulnerability is increasing with the natural calamities, especially, river erosion. The process of uncontrolled population growth has reduced the per capita cultivable land and created overcrowding and high rate of disguised unemployment. Search for secured livelihood has been continually leading to a high rate of out-migration, especially the males, from coastal areas dominating the TDGD, putting pressure, in turn, on the adjoining urban areas, in spite of rich natural resources in case of the former.

The TDGD of Bangladesh is accounted for 14.50 % of total population of the country (124.35 million during 2001) (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2009). Similarly, the TDGD of West Bengal (India) is accounted for more than a quarter (26.04 %) of state’s population (8.02 million) (Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics, 2009). Within the TDGD of West Bengal (India) the economic condition of people of Hugli was relatively better than the 24 Parganas (S) and 24 Parganas (N) district. The reason might be high level of urbanization is taking place in parts of Hugli and 24 Parganas (S) districts and also the vicinity to the Kolkata market. The per capita income per annum at current prices (2003-04) has been estimated to be Rs 22141 in Hugli district, which was slightly above the state average of Rs 20548. The per capita incomes of 24 Parganas(S) and 24 Parganas(N) per annum were estimated to be Rs 17552 and Rs 16337, respectively (at 2003-04 current prices). 

2.1.2 Status in research and development  

Agriculture in the delta region is complex, diverse and risk prone. There is gross similarity in constraints and production under TDGD across the two countries, and so should be the remedies.

2..2.1   Cropping system, areas and productivity levels

In India, the cropping pattern is predominantly mono-cropped with low yield, growing traditional rice in almost 98 % of the area in monsoon season as no other crops is possible during the period due to submergence of agricultural fields. The crop production in monsoon season suffers from various adversities like heavy and intensive rain resulting in deep waterlogging, periodical inundation by high tides, poor surface and subsurface drainage, frequent  cyclonic  storms  and  floods. Most of lands (about 80–90 %) in the region remain fallow in other seasons because of high soil and water salinity, and lack of good quality irrigation water. Areas under different crops in the TDGD in India are shown in Table 8.

Table 8.  Area, Production and Yield of crops under TDA in WB, India (2006-07)


Total Rice
Total Foodgrains
Total Fruits
Total Vegetables
Total oilseeds
Total Miscellaneous crops
Source: Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics (2009)
A, Area in thousand ha; P, Production in 000 Metric Tonnes; Y, Yield in kg ha-1

In the tidally dominated region in Bangladesh, rice, jute, sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds, spices, vegetables and fruits are grown but their contributions to cropping intensity vary greatly.  District-wise data of the areas under cultivation of different crops as well as the cropping intensity under TDGD are shown in Figs. 24, 25 & 26. Transplanted aman rice (July – December)- fallow is the dominant cropping pattern in the region. In high lands and medium high lands of delta region transplanted local aman rice is the dominant crop, and in medium low lands broadcast local aman rice is the dominant crop. Aus rice (April – August)- transplanted aman rice cropping pattern is found in some areas of the region. Winter crops such as wheat, potato and vegetables are grown, but cover a small area (< 12%). In Noakhali district this is practised with transplanted aman rice - winter cropping pattern. Adoption of HYVs of rice in tidally dominated areas of Bangladesh is limited. They are mainly grown in highland and medium upland areas. In Noakhali region, HYVs of aus and aman rice are adopted in substantial areas. Some coverage of HYVs of aman rice is found in Barisal, Khulna and Paluakhali regions but almost no HYVs of aus rice is grown in these regions. In lowland TDA are dominated by aquaculture. The productivity of tidally dominated lands in Bangladesh is less than rest of the country due to several constraints like heavy monsoon rainfall causing delay in transplanting aman rice. Sometimes flash floods wash away standing crops, while severe flash flood and exposure to cyclone with cyclonic storm surges may delay sowing/ transplanting with consequent damage to aus and aman rice crops. Perennial waterlogging due to inadequate drainage, delay of sowing/ transplanting of winter crops due to late harvest of aman rice, high soil and water salinity, scarcity of good quality of irrigation water, narrow technological and germplasm bases for salt tolerant crops limit choice of crops. Lack of extension programmes and modern technologies along with appropriate technologies for dissemination further come in the way of improvement in productivity status of agriculture and allied activities and, in turn, farm income.

Fig. 24. Status of Gross Cropped Area and Cropping Intensity in Tidally Dominated Districts of Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2006)

Districts of Lakshmipur and Bhola are the more intensely cropped ones among the TD districts while Bagerhat and Khulna are the poor ones (Fig. 24). Low per capita/farm/net cropped area alongwith higher cop intensity in Lakshmipur (Fig. 25) suggests that higher no. of individual farm units and higher crop diversification as compared to other districts under TDA.

Aman paddy is the predominating crop in TD districts as well in Bangladesh (Fig. 26).  Almost half of the GCA (48.68 %) was recorded under aman paddy in TDA, whereas 34.97 % of GCA is accounted for aman paddy at country level. This implies that under TDA role and contribution of aman paddy is more important and significant than at country level.  Altogether TDA is contributing one-fifth (19.98 %) of the country’s aman paddy area.  Similarly, trend was observed under aus paddy also.

Fig. 25. Status of cultivated area in Tidally Dominated Districts of Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2006)

Fig.  26. Area contribution of major crops by Tidally Dominated Districts of Bangladesh (Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, 2006)

TDA is contributing 28.15 % of country’s aus paddy area.  Nearly one-tenth (8.91 %) of GCA is under aus paddy at country level, whereas the share is substantially higher in the TDA accounting for 17.47 % of GCA. Reverse trend is, however, observed under the boro paddy cultivation in which the share of TDA is only 6.54 % of country’s GCA. At national level 30.92% of GCA is under boro paddy, while it is only 14.08 % of GCA under TDA. Jute and sugarcane are the other major crops under TD  districts  accounting  for 3.51 %  and 3.94 %, respectively of Bangladesh’s total GCA.  These  two  crops  are grown in 21 % of areas within the GCA of TD districts.  

Based on the estimated study during 2007-08, the cultivation of boro paddy was not observed to be well distributed across the TD districts in Bngladesh. Areas under boro paddy were concentrated in a few of TD districts namely, Bhola (7005 ha), Barisal (2985 ha), Patuakhali (2942 ha), Khulna (2062 ha) and Bagerhat (1724 ha). Other districts of TDA accounted for very small areas under boro rice cultivation. Overall, the yield of boro rice under TD districts were substantially below (except Barisal) that at the national scale (1.79 t ha-1) indicating various constraints affecting the productivity. Improved crop varieties`

The productivity per unit area or unit effort in tidally dominated region is much lower than that prevailing in India. The yield of traditional paddy in Indian Sundarbans region during monsoon reason is poor.  However, yield of rice can be enhanced at least 1.5. to 2 folds by introducing improved varieties and following appropriate management practices including improvement drainage and flood control suitable for a given area (Yadav et al., 1981). A number of HYVs have been developed by the CSSRI (ICAR), Regional Research Station Canning and Rice Research Station (Govt. of West Bengal), Chinchura which are suitable for the areas having the yield potentiality up to 4.5 t ha-1. Similarly, improved varieties having high yield potentialities with moderate to high salt tolerance and low water requirement have been developed by CSSRI for other agronomically feasible crops for dry seasons under TDA (Yadav et al., 1981).  Soil management

Soil Salinity in dry reason can be controlled  to some extent by covering the soil surface with mulches or cover crop or ploughing of the soil surface. In South and North 24 Parganas districts (India) farmers grow green manuring crop (Sesbania) during pre-monsoon season which reduces salinity build-up in soil and also improve fertility status of soil. However, this practice is found in the limited areas for paucity and uncertainty of water availability during incorporation of the plants into soil in time.

Soils of the TDGD in India are usually rich in K and micro- nutrients (except Zn), low to medium in available N and P Status. Major nutrients of N is lost through volatilization. Integrated nutrient management has been found to be very effective for increasing fertilizer use efficiency and sustainable yield of crops. For improving crop yield on acid sulphate soils the application of lime and high doses of phosphorus and green manuring are beneficial (Burman and Bandyopadhyay, 2007). Crop water productivity (WP)

Crop water productivity is an important index for assessment of the productivity status particularly in water-stressed areas like the Ganges delta. Cai and Sharma (2009) estimated the WP across the basin showing high variation for rice crop, as an example, from as high as 1.51 kg m-3 in Indian Punjab to as low as 0.5 kg m-3 worked out as average for Indian Madhya Pradesh, Bihar through Dhaka in Bangladesh; the ET value, however, in case of the latter group remains higher and yield lower suggesting the need for improvement for both for higher WP. Similar should be the trend further east for TDGD. Therefore, understanding of WP should have a significant implication for sustainable development planning for the TDGD. Water demand and availability

Planning for water resources development in a basin requires careful assessment of the available water resources and reasonable needs of the basin in foreseeable future for various purposes such as drinking, irrigation, hydro-power, industries, navigation etc. Hydrological studies are carried out to assess the available quantity of water in a given basin. No separate estimates are available for the TDGD. Gross water demand is based for this ecosystem on the irrigation requirement, salinity control in the estuaries, riverine fisheries, inland navigation, fisheries and salinity control, and domestic and industrial uses.

In Bangladesh, however, where TDGD occupies a sizable area, there are about 7.56 Mha of cultivable land of which about 6.9 Mha of agricultural land can be brought under irrigation by the year 2018. According to Ahmed of M/O Water Resources, Bangladesh the total water requirement for March (water-scarce period) has been estimated at 24,370 Mm3, of which agricultural water management requires 59 % of the total, navigation, salinity control and fisheries demand 40.7 %, and domestic and industrial need accounts for only 0.7 % of the total demand. Of these 77.2 % should be provided by surface water and the balance by underground water. This model may be followed to work out requirements for TDGD across both countries for efficient planning to achieve higher WP for the future.

Amarsinghe et al. of IWMI estimated total water demand scenario for India. It was projected to increase to 22 % by 2025, and 32 % by 2050. A major part of the additional water demand is for the domestic and industrial sectors. The water demands of the domestic and industrial sectors will account for 8 % and 11 % of the total water demand by 2025. And these shares will increase to 11 % and 18 %, respectively, by 2050. Moreover, the domestic and industrial sectors will account for 54 % of the additional water demand by 2025, and more than 85 % by 2050. They also compared their estimate with that of NCIWRD.

According to Amarsinghe and co-workers many river basins will be physically water-scarce by 2050. The degree of development of 10 river basins, comprising 75 % of the total population, will be well over 60 % by 2050. These water-scarce basins would have developed much of the potentially utilizable water resources by the second quarter of this century. And the different sectors in these basins would share a common water reallocation to meet the increasing demand. Indeed, their Business-as-Usual (BAU) estimate projects transfer of surface irrigation resources to domestic and industrial water use. Increased ground water irrigation, according to them, would have severe detrimental effects on many basins, since ground water abstraction ratio of many basins are significantly high. Thus, given the current level of recharge, patterns of groundwater use for these basins may not be sustainable. They commented that the growth patterns under the BAU scenario might lead to regional water crises. They estimated the ‘Potentially Utilizable Surface Water Resources (PUSWR)’, ‘Non-utilizable PUSWR’, ‘Environmental Water Demand (EWD)’, and ‘EWD to be met from PUSWR’ for Ganges as 250, 275, 152 and 0 BCM, as against 22, 607, 287 and 0 BCM for Brahmaputra, and 76, 34, 18 and 0 for Godavari. The solutions towards increased water use efficiency for these river basins, as suggested by them, are: a) to increase crop productivity for every unit of water they use at present; b) to increase potential groundwater supply through artificial recharge methods; c) to concentrate on economic activities where the value of water is very high; and d) to get water transfers from the water-rich basins.  Flood control and drainage

Owing to siltation in the river beds water flows above the cultivable land during high tide in most of the areas, but the latter is protected from inundation by earthen embankments, and for draining of excess water from cultivable lands especially during low tides manually operated one-way sluice gates are installed at strategic points. Neither the embankments nor the sluices are scientifically designed in India to cater to the needs, and areas experience frequent flooding due to breaching of the embankments especially during severe cyclones or depressions.      

CSSRI recommended the following designs based on the detailed analyses: (i) earthen embankments with 3:1 slope on the river end and 2:1 slope at the country end with at least 1 m free board above the high tide level, (ii) the embankments may be brick-pitched at the river end to provide more stability, (iii) provision of suitable wind breaks (plants identified) at the river end, and if possible, at the country end also, (iv) the sluice gates should be better designed as per recommendations made and operated much more frequently during low tides than what is normally done at present for effective drainage, and (v) primary and secondary drains (earthen) should be provided in the cultivable field as per design suggested to cater to the needs for field drainage (drainage coefficient 37.5 mm per day) (Yadav et al., 1981). It is further emphasized that there should provision of two rows of embankments with minimum 100–500 m no-activity gap in between in areas likely to be breached more frequently than others.

It is also advocated that in order to prevent frequent breaching of the embankments, and keeping particularly in mind the increasing frequency of storms observed world-wide in the wake of global warming, the design of the embankments should be made with minimum 500 year return period based on probability analyses of the weather data for minimum 35 years. Flood forecasting

The frequency of flood for both India and Bangladesh up to late last century are shown in Fig. 27 (Mirza et al., 2001) causing colossal damage to lives and properties in a regular manner. An effective forecasting  of  the  same  may  mitigate  the damages sufficiently. There have been

Fig. 27. Occurrence of flood in Bangladesh (left) and India (right) Gangetic basin (Mirza et al., 2001)

numerous methods developed for a wide variety of situations, mostly other than Ganga-Brahmaputra basin, with varying degrees of success in terms of practical application. For the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin of Bangladesh, following the devastating flood years of 1998 during which 60% of Bangladesh was under water for a period of 3 months, the Climate Forecast Applications in Bangladesh (CFAB) project was formed with funding by USAID and NSF which eventually resulted in a joint project with the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) and the Bangladesh Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC). The aim of CFAB was to develop innovative methods of extending the warning of flooding in Bangladesh noting that there was a unique problem: India provided no upstream discharge data to Bangladesh so that before CFAB the maximum lead time of a forecast was that given by measuring river discharge at the India-Bangladesh border: no lead-time at the border and 2 days in the southern parts of the country. Given that the Brahmaputra and Ganges catchment areas had to be regarded as essentially unguaged, it was clear that innovative techniques had to be developed. One of the basic criteria was that the system should provide probabilistic forecasts in order for the Bangladeshis to assess risk. A three-tier system was developed to allow strategic and tactical decisions to be made for agricultural purposes and disaster mitigation: seasonal (1-6 months: strategic), medium range (20-30 days: strategic/tactical) and short range (1-10 days: tactical). The system that has been developed brings together for the first time operational meteorological forecasts (ensemble forecasts from ECMWF), with satellite and discharge data and a suite of hydrological models. In addition, with ADPC and FFWC an in-country forecast dispersion system was developed that allowed a rapid dissemination. The system has proven to be rather successful, especially in the short range. The flooding events of 2004 were forecast with all forecasting tiers at the respective lead time. In particular, the short-term forecasts picked 10 days ahead of time the double flooding peak. In 2007, the system forecast the commencement and retreat of the July - August floods allowing for the first time for the Bangladesh Disaster Management Committee to act proactively rather than reactively. As a result, many thousands of villagers were evacuated out of harms way. Most importantly, the method developed may be used as a template for flood forecasting in similar other areas like the Indian counterpart of the TDGD (Webster et al.,2007).  Integrated water management: Micro-watershed or OFR approach   

Table 9. Input use per hectare under OFR in Sundarbans delta,  India
Water use (ha cm)
Labour (days)
Net agril profit (Rs) 
Source: Ambast et al., 1998
There is tremendous scope of harvesting the surplus rainwater during monsoon.  Harvesting of a part of the rainwater is sufficient for cultivation of multiple crops in dry months with proper selection of crops (Ambast et al., 1998) as observed in India. Micro-watershed or on-farm reservoir (OFR) approach is probably a better option for such on-field water management along with flood protection measures with the objective to harvest excess rainwater and utilization of the same during long dry period, together called as integrated water management approach with much better water-use efficiency and higher profitability (Table 9). It has been suggested, based on 35 year weather data analyses and detailed test conducted at the farm as well as in the farmers fields, by CSSRI at Canning Town to (i) create on-farm reservoir (pond, etc.) on over    20 % area within the total farm area, either on individual farm area or preferably on community basis to store about 400 mm estimated to be in excess of the optimal requirement for high yielding rainfed rice crop during kharif, (ii) and utilize the same for a second and partially a third crop during dry season, and (iii) grow fishes in the OFR or pond and suitable plantation/ horticulture crops on the bund around the pond for additional benefit. A number of derelict channels, not in effective use at present in Sundarbans, may be properly utilized after reshaping for community OFR. For lowlying cultivated  areas the soils so excavated for creating OFR may be used to raise the remaining 80 % farm area by a minimum 15 cm in height which will thus be conducive to high yielding rice and other crops. The OFR, with or without bund, may preferably be of trapezoidal in shape, with length-width ratio as 1:1, side slope as 1:1, and depth as 3 m. For other details of the design and location of the OFR nomograph may be consulted. It has been recorded, for which computer simulation model has also been prepared and tested with sufficient success, that 45 and 75 % of the water depth above soil surface during kharif season, can be reduced for OFR with and without bund, respectively, thereby creating a much better atmosphere for rainfed rice (Fig. 28).  A complete crop calendar with details of every important event for cultivation for different topo-sequences has been prepared with scientific cultivation programme for each. Linear programming approach has been followed to identify crops and related cultivation practices depending upon nature of constraints, viz. water, labour, etc. A user-friendly software has been prepared for detailed design recommendations and cropping practices depending upon location-specific conditions related to soil, weather, availability of water, choice of crops, etc. for application to a wide variety of situations using this approach for multiple cropping under rainfed conditions.  Land shaping

Simple land shaping techniques like farm pond, deep furrow and high ridge, and shallow furrow and medium ridge developed by CSSRI can be adopted in the tidally dominated delta for cultivation of multiple crops round the year with harvested rainwater in ponds/ furrows along with integrated cultivation of crops and fishes (Bandyopadhyay, 2009). Land shaping techniques could create different types of land situation like high land/ ridges and medium land where salinity and waterlogging may be reduced providing the scope for cultivation of diverse and multiple crops during monsoon and other seasons

2.2   Contribution of aquaculture to GDP

Aquaculture, farming of fish and other aquaculture organisms, plays an important role in the economy and socio-cultural life of rural people next to agriculture in the TDGD, both in India and Bangladesh. This sector has been a longstanding and an indispensable part in the life and livelihood of the people, and construed as a means for increased income and security to food and nutrition and, consequently, reduction in poverty in this region.

Fishery’s contribution NSDP of West Bengal was observed to be declining  from 2.96 % to 2.74 % during 1999-00 to 2003-04 but this sector (fishery) has been observed to be most promising under the TD districts of West Bengal. In both 24 Parganas (N & S) districts the share of fishery sector has shown increasing trend from 6.78 % & 2.51 % to 7.23 % & 4 % under 24 Pargans (S) and 24 Parganas (N), respectively during this period.  In India’s Sundarabans area, including the adjacent Bay of Bengal, total of 478,770 people are estimated to be engaged in fishing activities in. Of these, 144,171 are active fishermen. A total of 282 villages belongs to the fisher communities with high representation of schedule castes (one of the backward communities of WB). Within the 24 Parganas (S) there are 2,500 mechanized boats and approximately 4,000 traditional craft. The total catch from the Sundarbans is estimated to be 276,000 tonnes of which nearly 200,000 tonnes is from the inland fishery. The Bay of Bengal fishery contributes an additional 185,000 tonnes, the bagnet fishery a further 28,000 tonnes, and the Hilsha fishery up to 9,000 tonnes. Fishing effort has doubled in the last 15 years resulting in a decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) from 150-200 kg per haul to 58-65 kg per haul. Current expert opinion is that stocks are heavily exploited. The collection of post-larval (PL) shrimp has become a major income source with estimates of up to 400,000 collectors involved within the Sundarbans. There are an estimated 1,500 to 3,000 million post-larval (PL) shrimp collected per annum (Sundarbans Development Board).

2.2.1 Status in research and development
Fish and fish products are among of the major export earners for Bangladesh. During 2007-08, the total quantity of fish and fish exports of Bangladesh was 75299 tonnes valued at Taka 33960 million. The TDGD is major contributors to the total fish production in Bangladesh (Tables 10 &11).  Fisheries provide gainful employment to large proportion of workforce (48% together with fisheries and forestry) in tidally dominated districts of Bangladesh. The TDGD was accounted for producing more than three-quarters (77.90 %) of prawn/ shrimp production of Bangladesh (Fig. 29). The TDGD contributed 61 % of total fish catch from all rivers, 21 % of total fish production from pond areas, and 13.24 % of fish production from flood prone areas. 

Table 10. Annual total production (tonnes) of fish in Bangladesh (2007-08)
% share to Bangladesh
All rivers
Flood plain
Total Inland
Source: Department of Fisheries (2009)

Table 11.   Fish production (tonnes) in tidally dominated districts of WB, India (2006-07)

Inland Fish Production
Marine Fish Production

North 24 pgs
South 24 Pgs
Total TDA
% to West Bengal
West Bengal
Source: West Bengal State Marketing Board (2009) http://wbagrimarketingboard.gov.in/fisheries/fisheries.html

Fig. 29. District-wise total inland fish production in TDA of Bangladesh (Source: Department of Fisharies, 2009)        Different farming practices

Aquaculture practices can be classified as extensive (does not involve feeding of the cultural organism), semi-intensive (involves stimulating the growth of natural feed through fertilization and supplementary feeding) and intensive (involves artificial feedings) aquaculture. Various aquaculture farming such as improved conventional aquaculture, rice-fish farming, cage aquaculture, integrated prawn and shrimp farming, pen culture have been developed and adopted in the different location of tidally dominated delta. The conventional aquaculture which are practised in this region are mostly extensive or semi-extensive that involves low level of inputs and management resulting in lower yields. There is scope to intensification of production of this system by increasing inputs and management as well as integrating with agriculture, animal husbandry and horticulture. Rice-fish farming has enormous potential in tidally dominated area to improve the productivities of land which are practicing low yielding traditional non-cropped rice.  Rice-fish farming in considered as semi-intensive in nature and requires no or little supplementary food as rice fields are rich with diverse natural fish food organisms. Fish can be grown simultaneously or alternatively with rice. In Indian Sundarbans region, fish is grown simultaneously with rice during monsoon season. In Northwest region of Bangladesh this system is very popular, where fish seeds are grown with irrigated rice (dry month) and table fish with rainfed rice (monsoon season).  Alternative system of rice-fish farming is usually practised in southern region of Bangladesh where fish is grown in monsoon when water levels in the fields are high and not possible to grow rice.

Introduction and widespread dissemination of fresh water prawn and brackish water shrimp farming in tidally dominated Ganges delta of Bangladesh revolutionised  the history of aquaculture. Out of 24 fresh water prawns in Bangladesh, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (giant river/ fresh water prawn, locally called as ‘Golda Chingri’) is widely cultured in the southern districts, such as Basisal, Khulna and Satkhira. Among 36 marine shrimp species in Bangladesh, Penaeus monodon (Block tiger shrimp, locally called as ‘Bagda Chingri’) is widely grown in this tidally dominated delta region.  Tidally dominated southwestern region of Bangladesh, especially Satkira, Khulna and Bagerhat districts are promising areas for shrimp farming because of the reasons that fresh and brackish water resources are abundant in almost all the seasons and Sundarbans located in the region provided food source and nursery for off-shore fishery.

Brackish water aquaculture development in tidally dominated North and South 24 Parganas districts of India has good prospect in high because of availability of extensive saline water resources, human resources, favourable agro-climatic conditions, and productive mangrove ecosystem. Abundance of shrimp and other brackish water aquaculture are mainly traditional, improved traditional and extensive types.  Majority of the fisheries (about 80 %) belong to traditional type of farming where large areas are enclosed and natural seeds of fish and shrimps are allowed to enter with tidal water and after considerable time fish and shrimps are harvested. The average productivities of this traditional system vary from 500-900 kg ha-1 yr-1, out of which about 30 % is constituted by prawn/ shrimp and about 70% by mullets. Under extensive system, peripheral canals/ ponds, size ranging from 1-5 ha, are constructed, and shrimp seeds at the rate of 15000-20000 ha-1 are stocked, while water management is done taking the help of tides. The average yield of this system is 1500-1700 kg ha-1 yr-1 including mullets. 

The brackish water aquaculture in TDGD, both in India and Bangladesh, has expanded tremendously rather than intensified. The expansion of aquaculture has resulted in simultaneous decrease in arable crop production and fodder (rice husk) availability, and, what is striking, there is continued trend of conversion of agriculture land to fisheries. It has many direct and indirect effects on physical, ecological, environmental and socio-economic conditions of the region (Fig. 30). The shrimp industry is polluting and degrading water, forests and soils. Public health, bio-diversity and sustainable productivity of ecosystem are in danger. Absence of effluent treatment facility and shrimp hatcheries are likely to produce high amount of local effluent discharged into the coastal water. These also pose serious threat on the regional bio-diversity and aquatic community structure by directly killing the food availability for other organisms linked through food web.  Shrimp farming is no doubt highly profitable for selected group of people, but it has negatively affected the livelihoods of landless and marginal farmers, making it difficult for them to survive in the area.

Fig. 30. A digramatic model of direct and indirect effects of shrimp farming (Raman et al., 2004)

2.3  Integrated farming approach

Integrated farming through diversification of various enterprises, viz. aquaculture and livestock rearing, besides agriculture, as well as allied activities like beekeeping, mushroom, sericulture, floriculture, etc., has been found to be very successful for enhancing the livelihood and ensuring security to farm income in India. There is a great scope of introduction of horticultural crops like fruit, vegetables, plantation, flowers, spices and aromatic crops. However, their introduction needs location specific research in individual areas.

3  SWOT analyses

Agriculture Sector


  • Availability of freshwater resource in plenty during monsoon
  • Availability of technology for crop, soil and water management
  • Agriculture is the livelihoods for majority of people
  • Active human resource availability
  • Responsiveness of soil to improvement in crop yield 
  • Younger, active and literate generation available for pursuing agriculture as primary occupation

·         Improvement of crop water productivity through scientific soil-water management using watershed-based farming system models identified.
  • Rainwater harvesting and use for rainfed agriculture
  • Active participation of performing NGOs
  • Linking farmers to the Metro markets having huge demand for all commodities
  • Formation of farmers growers association to increases the marketable surplus

  • Soil salinity, frequent tides & floods, and intrusion of brackish water to agricultural field
  • Lack of suitable and efficient irrigation methods for conjunctive use of available water resources and want of good quality water resources with objective to increase crop water productivity
  • Waterlogging due to heavy rain and drainage congestion
  • Lack of sufficient number of HYVs of different crops having resistance to adverse soil and water stress situations
  • No means of processing the agricultural produce (lack of rice mills and oil mills)
  • Lack of institutional credit facilities resulting in dominance of individual money lenders
  • Lack of available choice related to equipment and other agricultural implements
  • Lack of access to stores and markets at sites, poor roads and transportation
  • Lack of knowledge about latest technologies and weak extension linkages
  • Agricultural Marketing Act not implemented
  • Lack of field level & water soil testing facilities
  • Lack of mechanization in field  
  • Dominance of small and fragmented holdings
  • Anthropogenic interferences detrimental to ecology 
  • Drudgery of villagers especially womenfolk
  • Lack of appropriate disaster management system and contingency plans to mitigate sufferings
  • High cost of irrigation and low yield make agricultural operation non-profitable
  • Soil erosion and flooding by rivers
  • Lack of a mutually beneficial water policy between the common rivers flowing through both countries
  • Over-exploitation of ground water leads to soil degradation
  • Transportation and communication are severely restricted and also risky
  • Weather risk is very high, and climate change might make it more risky in future


Aquaculture Sector



  • Presence of large areas under various kinds of water bodies suitable for fishing
  • Availability of large number of population engaged in aquaculture
  • Estuaries are the ideal place for natural fish breeding act as natural nursery
  • Scope for high yield potentiality under brackish water fisheries
  • Knowledge and experience of people on fisheries with natural instinct and affinity for aquaculture
  • Presence of large number of fish-eating population – no constraints from demand side
  • Plenty of prawn seed, spawn of other brackish water fishes are available under natural condition
  • Collection of natural spawn from water bodies is a good income and livelihood option
  • Ready avocation for women folk
  • Good source of foreign exchange earning
  • Promotion of paddy-cum-fish in a large scale and also on community basis with aim for high crop water productivity
  • Establishment of fish processing unit
  • Natural rearing and collection of ornamental fisheries
  • Growing freshwater fish in natural derelict or other water bodies
  • Formation of fishermen’s cooperative to make fisheries avenue more competitive and profitable
  • Crab fattening and culture
  • Developing modified brackish water aquaculture
  • Promotion of insurance


  • Occasional floods and heavy rainfall limits captive fisheries in many places
  • Being highly perishable commodity, overproduction creates market glut situation and price volatility
  • Lack of transportation facilities for quick disposal of fish
  • Lack of weather related information and timely dissemination
  • Lack of adequate institutional credit facilities causing dominance of individual money lenders and brokers
  • Lack of jetties, ice factories, cold storage, etc. at strategic points
  • Lack of disaster management systems and contingency plans to mitigate losses
  • Lack of affordable equipments for catching fish and processing units
  • Lack of technological intervention and weak extension linkages
  • Drudgery of womenfolk

  • Fishing in estuaries and turbulent river is a risky avocation
  • Over-exploitation of fish resources may deplete the natural stock to critical level
  • Many fish species are on the verge of extinction or becoming vulnerable
  • Conflict between mechanized vessels and traditional ways of fishing
  • Upstream polluted water-damaging ecosystem
  • Conflict among the fish growers often leads to severe fight
  • No assessment on environmental impact
  • Accidents-attack by crocodiles and small sharks, snake bites, injuries because of mangrove roots and sea shells and breaches in embankments
  • Soil erosion and uprooting of mangrove species threatening ecological balance
  • Involvement of large number of school dropouts with adverse impact on the societies

4   Possible technological and institutional interventions and their impacts towards the development of agriculture and aquaculture in Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta

Technological interventions


Agriculture sector: Crop improvement

Introduction of HYVs of rice especially for aus and boro rice
·         Enhancement of rice production during non-monsoon period
·         Towards ensuring food security as food production is not solely dependent on monsoon aman rice which frequently suffers form cyclone and foods
Development of improved salt, flood and submergence tolerant aus, aman and boro rice using biotechnological technologies wherever necessary
·         Scope for improving rice production in the areas prone to flooding and saline water ingress and, areas affected by salinity
Introduction of high yielding and/ or low water requiring improved and salt tolerant crops other than rice especially vegetable and fruit crops
·         Enhancement of non-staple foods production
·         Diversification of agriculture
·         Additional availability of non-staple foods to poor people for better nutrition and good health
Development and promotion of high value crops (horticulture, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants) using biotechnological technologies wherever necessary, and encouraging agribusiness enterprises
·         Enhancement of  economic growth by diversification of agriculture
·         Making agriculture competitive to global/ export markets
·         Contract farming will reduce the risk of marketing  and promote post-harvest management systems
·         More employment opportunities for labour from surplus small and marginal households as it’s a labour intensive entrepreneurship
Promotion of seed village and local nursery
·         Availability of quality seeds  and planting materials to the farmers at local levels
Participatory variety selection (PVS)
·         Quick adoption of suitable crop varieties

Agriculture sector: Natural resource management

Promotion of composting including vermi-composting, green manuring, INM, etc.
·         Improvement of productivity of crops and health of degraded soils
Integrated plant nutrient system
·     Improvement of nutrient use efficiency
·         Ensuring improved soil health and sustainability in yield with integrated nutrient management practices under adverse soil and ecological conditions
Improved soil and water management techniques for crop production in the salt affected and flood prone areas
·         Enhancement  of crop water  productivity to maximize benefit under salt and waterlogged stress situations
·         Enhancement of resource use efficiencies
Introduction of land shaping techniques under low land situations

·         Alleviation of the problems of water logging and salinity build-up
·         Rain water harvesting to supply fresh irrigation water during scarcity period
·         Converting land from mono-cropping to multiple cropping round the year and enhancing crop production
·         Crop diversification and enhancing cropping intensity
Creation of Integrated water management facilities through water harvesting in the pond on community basis
·         Introduction of OFR technology for creating water resources and mitigation of drainage problems
·         Adoption of suitable flood protection and drainage measures
·         Enhancement of cropping intensity and food production
·         Opportunities for inland fisheries and integrated farming practices
Conjunctive use of poor quality water along with harvested rain water
·         Multiple crop cultivation under scarcity of fresh water situation
Construction of protective embankments
·         Prevention of frequent flooding and intrusion of saline water in the agricultural fields during high tides

Drainage improvement by proper leveling of crop fields and by installing appropriately designed sluice gates, and their proper maintenance

·         Enhancement of crop production and improved crop security
·         Sluice gates to drain out excess water and simultaneously to prevent intrusion of saline water into the cultivated fields 

Desiltation of river, estuaries and drainage channels

·         Improvement drainage and prevention  from flooding of land

Promotion of modern irrigation practices, viz. low volume cum high frequency methods

·         Enhancement of crop production with judicious and conjunctive use of available water resources
Efficient extension services with meaningful coordination within public sectors and between public and private sectors
·         Delineation of areas for location-specific suitable technologies
·         Rapid dissemination of technologies
·         Avoidance of repetition of works by different agencies



Promotion of profitable and sustainable fish production technology such as improved conventional system, pen aquaculture, cage aquaculture, integrated prawn and shrimp farming
·         Enhancement of fish production and income
·         Increase of foreign exchange earning
Mechanization in inland and marine aquaculture
·         Improvement in fish productivity with higher return in the long run
·         Modern communication support to warn fishers of adverse weather forecast, and also inform them with nature and concentration of fish population particularly during deep sea fishing
Promotion of ornamental fish captive and under natural condition
·         Tremendous export potential
Promotion of fisheries in drainage, irrigation channels and canals
·         Employment generation especially for women folks
Promotion of shrimp farming in the area frequently flooded or prone to flooding by saline tide waters
·         Enhancement of fish production from the areas vulnerable to the natural hazards
Establishment and promotion of feed factories and environment-friendly hatcheries
·         Production and supply of quality seeds and feeds in time at local levels to the fisheries
·         Possibility to manufacture low cost feed at local level
Infrastructure development and institutional support
·         Enhancement and development of aquaculture and with long term sustainability
·         Providing adequate supports for inputs, credits and marketing
Establishment of aquaculture technological centers
·         Providing support for disease diagnosis, aquatic health management, disease surveillance and water quality monitoring, information on credits, availability of inputs and government policy, etc.
Better extension services and modern approaches like adaptive learning

·         Providing technological know-how
·         Development of skills for practising profitable and sustainable aquaculture

Integrated practices of agriculture and aquaculture

Promotion of simultaneous (preferably on community basis) or alternate types of rice-fish farming suited to land situations
·         Production of rice and fish from same piece of land
·         Enhancement of  farm income, employment opportunities and security to livelihood
Integration of vegetables and fruit with rice-fish farming with suitable land shaping
·         Round the year production
·         Enhancement farm income and security to livelihood
Establishment of model integrated farm at block (India) and upzilla (Bangladesh) level
·         For acting as demonstration-cum-training center
·         Facilitatating easy adoption of integrated farming system


Non-farm activities/ alternative livelihood

Promotion of alternate livelihood options such as beekeeping, mushroom cultivation, vermi-composting, etc.
·         Employment opportunities for the small and marginal households
·         Less dependence on mangrove forest areas for honey
·         Increased availability of organic manure for agricultural crops
Conservation and plantation of mangroves in Sundarbans
·         Maintaining the ecology of Sundarbans
·         Protection of the areas from natural hazards
·         Acting as carbon sinks
Promotion of community nursery
·         Providing quality planting materials at lower cost for plantation of mangroves and non-mangroves tree species

Promotion of plantation along the canals, roads and river embankments and, agroforesty

·         Enhancement of the area under forest
·         Reduction of people’s dependency on Sundarbans forest for fuel, fodder and woods
·         Protecting the areas from natural hazards through bio-shield

Promotion of cooperative culture, agribusiness, markets, stores, roads & transport, linkages & communication (preferably through e-governance) 

·         Each one of these activities will encourage  farmers/ fishers to promote higher productivity through better access to market, in particular, and thereby generate more income with minimal or no help of the middlemen or brokers

Integrated TDGD policy

Framing a unified Integrated TDGD policy for TDGD areas common to both countries
·    A common policy will ensure   
    implementation of the causes, like river water flow and associated factors, conservation of forest,  aquaculture practices, disaster management, etc., common to both countries for their mutual benefits in a sustainable manner
·   Establishment of a rapid and efficient disaster warning and management network throughout the entire TDGD areas of both countries 

5             Evolved issues or thematic plans and proposed action related to work plan

Text Box: Theme Area I:   Agriculture: Intensification, diversification and value  addition in sustainable  agriculture in TDGD 

Project A: Crop improvement for higher and stable yield

Sub-Projects: Rice
·         Rice breeding, preferably through biotechnological approach, to develop high yielding varieties that are rich in nutrients to improve human nutrition, tolerance to adverse soil and water situations
·         Maintenance and enriching of the indigenous and exotic diverse genetic stock 
·         Participatory variety selection for easy adoption of suitable crop varieties

Sub-Projects: Non-rice crops  
·         Identification of non-staple food crops such as pulse, oil seeds, fruits, vegetable in the rice-based cropping system
·         Development of crop varieties which are having high yielding potentiality, tolerant to salinity, water stress, disease and pest infestation, and low to medium water requiring
·         Maintenance of diverse indigenous and exotic genetic stock

Project B: Sustainable natural resource management

·         Mapping of potential areas for agricultural and horticultural crops in relation to soil and water constraints prevailing in the TDGD
·         Inventorization of soil and water resources
·         Development of technologies for maximizing crop water productivities and improved nutrient use efficiencies through watershed approach
·         Establishing suitable farming system models

Project C: Sustainable water resource management

·         Mapping of ground water status, withdrawal of ground water and possibilities of saline water contamination, potential areas for recharging ground water and identification of suitable methods for recharging
·         Working out of the future time-targeted water demand for individual components under agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, navigation, industrial, domestic, etc. and planning for higher water productivity 
·         Area specific plan for creation of small irrigation facilities and participation of farmers for improving water management practices and encouraging private sector to invest for irrigation project
·         Formulation of adequate measures to prevent pollution of water especially in the coastal areas from untreated effluents from industries and sewage from cities.
·         Instead of implementing sea wall and other hard structures, the potentiality for adoption of soft measures like beach nourishment, shelter bed plantation, geo-textile measures and other suitable measures to prevent river erosion and saline water ingress
·         Development of innovative and integrated water management techniques for the areas
·         Developing appropriate drainage and flood protection measures

Project D: Human linkage and market access

·         Participation of private sector in contract farming to reduce the risk of marketing
·         Reducing credit constraints by providing micro-financing
·         Development of infrastructures like appropriate markets, good network of roads, better telecommunication
·         Improving access to assets and sustainable natural resource management for diversification of agriculture by promoting community based rural development approaches through formation and providing support to Self Help Groups (SHGs), village communities, water & other user association, etc.
·         Growing planting materials available by promoting local nurseries
·         Promotion of innovation through research & development in public-private partnership (PPP) mode
·         Transition from subsistence to commercial farming through technological interventions, diversification and export promotion 
·         Promotion of rural entrepreneurship
·         Comprehensive Location Specific Agricultural Plan (CLSAP) for agricultural development by taking into account the agro-climatic constraints, natural resource issues, farmers need and choice, indigenous knowledge, technology availability and needs.

Project E: Technologies on value addition

  • Post-harvest technologies including homestead food preservation and value addition
  • Seasonal availability of food production is pronounced in TDGD:
    • Research and development of indigenous food preservation technology
    • Suitable conservation methods to storage

Text Box: Theme Area II:  Aquaculture: Expansion, intensification and diversification of sustainable aquaculture in TDGD 



Projects/ Sub-Projects
  • Enhancing the production of aquaculture on environmentally and sustainable manner
  • Promoting fish for good health and nutrition and meeting the changing demands both in domestic and export markets to make this sector globally competitive
  • Identification of potential areas for aquaculture and location-specific cultural systems and their impacts on environment
  • Development and extent of profitable and sustainable production technology
  • Fish can provide opportunities to adapt to climate change. Aquaculture must move from seeking maximize yield to increasing adaptive capacity. Research need to find innovative ways to further improvement on the existing adaptability of fishers and aquaculturists.
  • Conservation of fisheries resources and species diversification
  • Diversification aquaculture by integrating culture carps, catfish and prawn, culture of ornamental fish, fresh water pearl culture, etc.
  • Availability of quality feed and seeds in time and space. Policy on manufacture and distribution of locally available low cost feed to bridge the gaps between demand and supply for the feeds
  • Fresh water fisheries by implementing a suitable community based management system
  • Regulatory mechanisms for water sharing for irrigation and fish habitats
  • Development of infrastructures like roads, bridges, jettys and inland waterways transportation

Text Box: Theme Area III:    Integrated system with agriculture and aquaculture in the Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta 


Projects/ Sub-Projects
  • Development of suitable land shaping techniques for integrated agriculture- aquaculture production systems
  • Possible integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry, agriculture, horticulture like fruits and vegetables, water chestnut,etc.
  • Providing credit support from financial institutions

Text Box: Theme Area IV:    Biodiversity and ecological conservation in the Tidally
                              Dominated Ganges Delta

Projects/ Sub-Projects
  • Delineation of eco-sensitive areas for the protection and conservation of mangroves, inland tidal water bodies such as estuaries, logons, lake, creeks, mudflats, coastal fresh water lakes, breeding ground for flora and fauna, etc.
  • Development of bio-shields by raising halophytes like mangrove and other non-halophytes near sea
  • People’s participation approaches including peoples awareness for the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity and ecology

Text Box: Theme Area V: Development of mitigation measures for disaster
                          management in the Tidally Dominated Ganges Delta 


Projects/ Sub-Projects
  • Delineation of areas vulnerable to natural disasters and hazards due to climate change based on the parameters like geology, geomorphology, sea level rising trends, shoreline displacement, river erosion, tidal ranges and wave heights, etc.
  • Contingency plans for mitigation of sufferings during cyclones, tides and floods
  • Multipurpose and integrated development planning in relation to agriculture and aquaculture for areas under different vulnerability classes.
  • Coordinated action for public and private sector for disaster management
  • Instead of top-down approach for planning of disaster mitigation measures more emphasis should be given to local level action by involving the local peoples for development of mitigation strategies
  • Insurance against agriculture crop failure and loss of aquaculture due to natural disasters
  • Innovating approaches for protecting agriculture and aquaculture against climatic hazards
  • Exploitation of renewable energy resources for improving air quality 
  • People’s participation in the development of degraded forest areas
  • Mangrove conservation in mitigation climate change
  • Developing disaster warning system and appropriate e-governance for rapid communication and adoption of suitable measures particularly in remote areas

6  List of Institutes (for collaboration/ partnership)








Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (ICAR), Regional Station
Canning Town, 24 Parganas (S), WB
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Central Fishery Research Institute (ICAR)
Barrackpore, 24 Parganas (N), WB
Local Government Engineering Department
Dhaka and Khulna
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
24 Parganas (N), WB
Bangladesh Water Development Board
Dhaka and Khulna
West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery  Sciences
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute 
Cox’s Bazar and Khulna
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ICAR), Regional Research Station
District Agricultural Extension Committees
Delta Region
Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR), Eastern Regional Station
Upazilla Extension Officers
Delta Region
National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR), Eastern Regional Station
Kalyani, Nadia, WB
Department of Health,  Education & Economic Department
Central Rice Research Institute (ICAR)
Cuttack, Orissa
NGO’s based in the Delta region with focus on agriculture
Delta Regon
Department of Agriculture, Govt of WB
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Department of Fishery, Govt of WB
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
Indian Institute of Management
Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies
Sundarbans Development Board
Centre for Health and Population Research
Ramkrishna Mission Ashram (NGO)
24 Parganas (S), WB
SAARC Meteorological Research Centre
Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR), Regional Station
24 Parganas (S), WB
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region (ICAR)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Geological Survey of Bangladesh

Department of Animal Sciences, Govt of WB
Soil Resources Development Institute
Department of Horticulture, Govt of WB

Department of Health, Govt of WB
Department of Irrigation & Waterways, Govt of WB
Geological Survey of India

Central Ground Water Board, Eastern Region

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