Monday, April 13, 2015

Prof. N.N.Panda Memorial Lecture by Dr. H.S.Sen and held at OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 17 April 2015

Tapping of productivity potential of major crops and alleviating the adverse effect due to natural hazards through intervention on soil and water resources under different agro ecosystems in Odisha
H. S. Sen1 and Dipankar Ghorai2
I pay my tribute to the departed soul of Prof. N.N.Panda, the doyen of agricultural science and research management of the country and Odisha in particular. This is a token and humble presentation in front of the family members of Prof. Panda and elites, educationists, academicians, research managers and scores of students present here in memory of the great soul.
1.     Salient Fatures of Odisha
·        Occupies 4.7 % of India’s Geographical Area
·        Inhabitants of 3.58 % human & 4.8% livestock of India’s
·        1451 mm average annual rainfall
·        10.4 % water resources
·        480 km coast length & 2400 sq. km continental shelf
·        10 Agro- climatic zones
·        Prone to frequent natural calamities such as flood, cyclone & drought (35 times in the last 45 years)
·        Rich biodiversity
·        Two out of 22 Agro-biodiversity hot spots (Koraput & Mayurbhanj) in the country
·        Three Biosphere Reserves (Bhitarakanika, Similipal & Chilka lake)

1 Former Director, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, West Bengal, PIN 700 120 (Present address: 2/74 Naktala,, Kolkata 700 047), Email:,
2 Subject Matter Specialist and Incharge (Acting), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Central Research Institute of Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR), Burdwan, West Bengal, India -713403, Email:

2.     Odisha – The Agriculture Scenario

2.1  SWOT Analysis
(i)                Ten agro-climatic zones
(ii)             Abundant inland water
(iii)           Favourable terrain for water reservoirs and power generation
(iv)           Diverse forest wealth
(v)             Low cost of living
(vi)           Long coastline


(i)         Poor soil quality
(ii)      Inadequate farm power availability
(iii)           Low level of irrigation
(iv)           Low fertilizer usage
(v)      Low seed replacement ratio
(vi)           Low productivity
(vii)        Poor post-harvest management
(viii)      Poor marketing, transport and physical infrastructure facilities
(i)                Very good scope for watershed development
(ii)             Scope for mixed/integrated farming
(iii)           Ample horticultural potential in highlands
(iv)           Opportunity for crop diversification
(v)             Scope for organic manure production for availability large no of livestock
(vi)           Development  of  inward,  brackish  water  and marine fisheries
(vii)        Abundant   water   resources   for   irrigation
(i)    Recurrence of natural calamities likely to be intensified over time due to climate change
(ii)    Improper water management systems
(iii)        Declining agriculture’s contribution to GSDP
(iv)        Reducing area under cultivation
(v)    Increasing erosion and degradation of soil

2.2  Overview of Agriculture in the State
2.21 Agro-climatic zones of Odisha

The state is broadly classified in four (4) broad zones based on topography
Topographic Regions
Agro-Climatic Zones
% of Area to Total Area
Major Parts of ACZ-3 and   ACZ-4
ACZ- 1, ACZ-2(Part), ACZ-5, ACZ-6 (Part), ACZ- 7 & ACZ- 10
Parts of   ACZ -2 &   ACZ-6
Major   Parts of ACZ   - 8 & ACZ-9

Percent distribution of ACZs:
Percent area
Percent area

Ghat High

South Eastern Ghat

North Eastern Coastal Plain


East & South Eastern Coastal Plain

North Eastern Ghat

ACZ 10
Mid Central
Table Land


2.22 Land Use Pattern
         Large area is under forest (36 %)
         Cultivable area and cultivable waste comprise of 41 % area
         Significant area under barren land (6 %)
         Homestead land occupies 8 % of the area
The distribution of land holding for cultivation shows more than 90% area are marginal while small holding comprises about 70% of area

2.23 Major Crops and their Productivity
Areas under rice, wheat and maize are 4004.54, 14.49 and 262.05 thousand hectares, respectively having yield potentiality of 1472, 1686 and 2321 kg ha-1, respectively. Among the pulses areas under mung and biri comprise of 799.68 and 590.56 thousand hectares with average yield of 414 and 418 kg ha-1, respectively. Among the vegetables potato, onion, chilli, garlic, ginger and turmeric are the principal ones; and the areas for other vegetables grown in the State is 597 thousand hectare with average total yield of 14,210 kg ha-1.
This is disconcerting that the contribution of agriculture and other activities to GSDP in constant prices decreased from 29.7 % in 2001-05 (average) to 20.6 % in 2010-11.  This appears to be mainly due to relatively much higher contribution made through service and infrastructure sectors. Perusal of data on agricultural growth over the entire period shows however that the area is gradually decreasing, although slightly, while productivity is remaining almost constant. But, the problem actually remains with total production which is fluctuating wildly. While comparing with the national data on productivity since 1970’s shows that the gap is increasing with time, with the State not able to catch up with  all India average, except for cotton and sugarcane.
2.24 Power Consumption
Adding to the woos the percent power consumption for agricultural sector in the State drops from above 3 in early 2000’s to below 1.5 in 2012-13, which is certainly not encouraging in order to attain higher target yield in future. The main reason ascribed is the lack of dedicated electric feeder ensuring power supply for agricultural purpose especially to mega lift points.
In contrast, not only use of electrical power in agriculture in increasing at the national level, there is staggering disparity in the same considering use of power being in the range of 20-30% of total power at national level, while in Odisha the same range is only 1 – 3%.  Odisha is at the very bottom when it comes to use of mechanical power in agriculture, in comparison even with lowlying states like Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, etc.
2.25 Irrigation Scenario
The gross irrigated area during 2012-13 was 33.66 lakh ha (21.87 lakh ha during kharif and 11.79 lakh ha during rabi) which is 71.5% of the irrigation potential created. On an average, 29.5% area in Odisha is irrigated as compared to 40% at national level, only exception is sugarcane which is 100% irrigated, while for cotton it is abysmally low.
2.26 Fertilizer Consumption
Odisha uses only 62 kg N, P and K fertilizers per hectare as compared to 129 kg at national level. Soils are medium to low in soil fertility, and when indexed in terms of soil quality it is worrisome as compared to some other states. 
2.27 Soil Erosion vis-a-vis Shifting Cultivation
The quantum of soil erosion varies from 84 to 170 t/ha/ year in bare fallow. In India, about 5.0 million tribal families are practising this system (shifting cultivation) on 4.37 million hectare of land covering 11 states. Odisha having a large no of tribal families and is the forerunner among Indian states. The problem of soil erosion due to shifting cultivation is very serious in Odisha.  It has been estimated from an experiment that, on an average 7-10 t/ ha/ year surface soil is lost along with plant nutrients.

3.     Disaster Vulnerability
Disaster events in various forms are very common in the State calling for major thrust to be paid for advance and contingency planning to mitigate the hazards. Multi-hazard maps have been prepared for Odisha.
3.1 Flood
         In Odisha, the entire coastal line of 482 km is exposed to frequent flood and water logging in most of the years.
         Heavy rainfall on the hills of Odisha and flood waters of Jharkhand and Chattisgarh contribute to flood in coastal lines and deltaic areas of the state.
         High degree of siltation, soil erosion, breaching of embankments and tidal flow of sea restricting disposal of flood water aggravates flood.
Assessment of crop damages due to flood has been made as follows.
Early season flood (June-July)
         Damage of paddy in nursery, standing crop of vegetables, pulses and oilseeds.
         Early-transplanted and standing direct sown paddy is affected by flood.
Mid-Season flood (August-September)
         Incidence of pest and diseases to standing crop that escaped or resisted flood.
         Damage of upland non paddy crops like vegetables, pulses and oilseeds at fruiting stage.
         Damage of short duration paddy at maturity stage and medium and late duration paddy at growth stage.
Late-season flood (October-November)
         Lodging and germination of grains in the field.
         Incidence of disease and pest in crops that escaped or resisted water logging.
         High value vegetables are also affected.
         Grain discolouration and quality deterioration.
3.2 Drought
Frequency of meteorological drought between 1960-2003 based on departure of actual annual rainfall has been worked out.
Undivided Districts
Drought Frequency between 1960-2003

3.3 Cyclones/ High winds
Following are the risks involved.
         The crops are submerged due to heavy downpours associated with a cyclonic weather which is worsened by the impact of high wind.
         The crops at flowering and fruiting stage are affected to a greater extent due to lodging and shattering of pollens, many a times complete damage of the crop.
         There is problem of sand casting in the coastal areas.
         There is also risk of saline inundation due to sea water ingression in the coastal tracts.
         The supporting infrastructures are likely to suffer severe damage impairing the restorative measures.
         The loss to life and properties are so great that the restoration of agriculture is relegated to a lower priority.
         The disruption of communication, power and transport is likely to delay the restorative efforts and require large funds and co-ordination of all functionaries.
There are as many as 12 events of major cyclones during 1970-2003. The impacts of super-cyclone in 1999 on different districts show that 97 blocks (12 districts) have been affected damaging lands and crops grown on over 1733000 ha area, besides a colossal damage to lives and properties.
4.     Strategies for Tapping the Crop Productivity Potential through Soil and Water Management vis-à-vis Disaster Vulnerability

4.1                           Soil Fertility and Quality Management

(i)                Farmers should be encouraged to get soil samples of their holding tested once in three years.
(ii)             More Soil Testing Laboratories, both static and mobile.
(iii)           Soil amelioration amendments should be made available to farmers at affordable prices.
(iv)           Cultivation of green manure crops like Dhanicha, Sunnhemp should be promoted extensively by making available seeds and technical know-how to the farmers.
(v)             Production and use of composts, like vermicompost or NADEP compost, should be incentivized.
(vi)           Resource conserving technologies, like SRI, should be promulgated extensively.
(vii)        State should launch a drive towards green and clean agriculture with major emphasis on organic soil amendments. Simultaneously, steps should also be taken to increase fertilizer consumption for augmenting productivity. 
4.2  Soil Erosion Management
A. Physical: Infrastructural
 (i)    Contour bunding
(ii)    Graded bunding
(iii)   Bench terracing
(iv)   Contour ditches
(v)     Grassed water ways-spill ways
(vi)      Water harvesting structures, ponds.
B. Agronomic : Management Practices
 (i)   Contour plowing : Plowing across the slope
(ii)   Selection of crop variety
(iii)  Integrated nutrient management including more organics and Bio-fertilizers.

4.3       Improving Productivity of Rice Fallows

Nine (9) districts in Odisha are under Rice- Fallow system, viz., Koraput, Kalahandi, Sambalpur, Sundergarh, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Puri, Dhenkanal and MayurbhanjFollowing may be strategies for these areas.

         31% of area under kharif rice remains fallow during rabi offering a huge potential niche for short season pulses and oilseed crops.
         Their productive utilization can overcome many social and economic problems of the region like unemployment, labour migration, and low income.
         Development and popularization of improved varieties of pulses and oilseeds suiting to rice fallows of different agro-ecological regions coupled with improved agro-technology will boost production, and thus improve income and livelihood security of farming community.

4.4         Water Management - Irrigation

         Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) should be promoted among the farming community through the Water Users’ Associations .
         Ensuring power supply for agricultural purpose especially to mega lift points.
         Solar powered pump set are to be popularized and suitably subsidized
         Micro irrigation has to be promoted in a big way in the State by providing lucrative subsidies
         Community reservoirs, on farm reservoirs should be excavated for rainwater harvesting under designated govt. schemes.

4.5 Water Management - Others

         GIS mapping of groundwater resource for micro level planning.
          Microlevel water resource development through tank cum well system.
          Reclamation of upland acid soil by use of paper mill sludge and techniques for safe use of paper mill and distillery wastewater for growing agricultural crops .
          Design of secondary reservoir for efficient storage and utilization of rainwater.
          Design of raised and sunken bed system for medium and low lands to achieve crop  diversification and higher cropping intensity.
          Conjunctive use planning of irrigation through bore-wells, dug wells and ponds in farmers’ participatory approach in canal command areas.
          Design and development  of sub surface water harvesting structures.
          Development of contingent crop planning for post flood scenario in waterlogged areas.
         Conjunctive use of fresh water and poor quality water in canal commands.

4.6  Other Agronomic Management Options

4.6.1 Seed Replacement of Paddy

Present SRR in Odisha is only 22 % which needs to be enhanced significantly.

·        Various stakeholders to be promoted and suitably motivated to increase production of seeds to the desired extent.
·        Subsidized assistance for construction of seed processing plants along with storage go-downs.
·        Certification protocols need to be smoothened for rapid certification. Seed testing laboratories to be established in block agricultural offices.
·        Regular capacity building programmes have to be undertaken for knowledge enhancement of seed production methodologies of HYV and hybrids.
·        There are more than 2000 indigenous varieties/races of paddy in the State. Farmers are to be encouraged for registering these indigenous and extant varieties under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmeres’ Rights Act 2001.
·        Biotic and abiotic stress resistant and environmentally safe cultuvars need to be developed.
·        Information communication tools should be rigorously used for information dissemination regarding seed availability.

4.6.2 Fertilizer and Farm Power

         While suitable measures should be taken to increase fertilizer consumption in the State, emphasis have to be laid on ‘balanced and integrated fertilization’. The state should endeavour to promote balanced and integrated fertilization holistically through suitable programs and incentives.
         Suitable incentives/assistance/subsidy need to be ensured for encouraging all agricultural stakeholders towards production and promotion of organic manures and organic fertilizers.

Farm Mechanization
         Various stakeholders should be encouraged to form custom hiring centers or implement hubs for agri- machineries.
         Use of small implements are to be promoted with added emphasis
         Regular capacity building programmes should be undertaken regarding use, repair and maintenance of farm machineries for concerned individuals/groups.
         Women-friendly farm equipments developed by various institutes are to be promoted.

4.7 Promotion of Dry land Horticulture

Diverse agro-climatic conditions favours development of dry land horticulture in the state.

         Improving storage facilities for perishable crops.
         Plantation crops like cashew, coconut should be promoted through ‘Contact’ or ‘Partnership’ farming approaches.
         Various stakeholders to be encouraged for production of seed/seedling, planting materials of horticultural crops.
         Financial incentives may be provided to producer organisations for floriculture.

Regular capacity building programmes should be sponsored by the State to encourage feasible stakeholders for promotion of dry land horticulture.

4.8 Contingent Planning - Flood

         Planting submergence tolerant varieties of paddy in flood prone areas.
         Raising community nurseries in relatively higher land in the submergence/ flood prone areas and transplanting after flood water recedes.
         Construction/ restoration of check dams, embankments, field bunds/ contour bunding before the onset of monsoon.
         In areas with greater gradient of slope, pucca water/ drainage outlets should be constructed to protect the farm land from breaking of bonds followed by soil erosion/ sand cast during heavy downpours.
         Blocked Drainage channels could be opened up adequately.
         Catchments could be treated appropriately to reduce run-off and soil erosion.
         Long and medium term weather forecasts are desirable for reducing the impact.
         Disaster Warning Systems to be upgraded.

4.9   Contingent Planning – Drought

         Emphasis on use of pressurized irrigation systems, sowing short duration and drought tolerant varieties of crops.
         Private lift irrigation points to be established through suitable assistance.
         Canals and their distributaries to be lined
         Irrigation channels should be regularly maintained to reduce conveyance losses.
         Proper irrigation scheduling with appropriate crop planning taking more of low water requiring crops in the rainfed high lands & drought prone areas.

4.10 Location Specific Planning – Highlands

Feasible programmes for Highland Region may be as follows:
Water Conservation and water harvesting
          1. Renovation of Existing Tanks
          2. Creation of New Water Bodies
          3. Farm Ponds in Individual Lands
          4. Dug-Out Farm Ponds on Individual Lands
          5. Check-Dam Construction across the Stream

Integrated Watershed (Micro Watershed) Development
          1. Contour Trench
          2. Contour Bunds
          3. Gully Plugs
          4. Boulder Checks
          6. Terracing
          7. Vegetative Bunds

Horticulture & Plantation in Community and Individual Land
          1. Nursery Raising
          2. Plantation in Degraded Forests
          3. Avenue Plantation along Road/Canal Side
4. Plantation Horticulture Crops such as Mango, Cashew nut and other suitable species
5. Grassland Development
          6. Sabai & Sisal Plantation
          7. Boundary Plantation

Land Development on Community and Individual Land
          1. Development of Waste/Degraded Land
          2. Land Levelling
          3. Field Bunding
          4. Land Development on Individual Land

Other Programmes
          1. Promotion of Vermi-Composting
          2. Promotion of Bio-Fertilisers
          3. Promotion of Bio-Intensive Garden (Kitchen Garden)
          4. Integrated Farming System

4.11 Location Specific Planning – Coastal Plains

Irrigation canal development
          1. Renovation of existing canal
          2. Grass pitching/turfing
          3. Stone packing
          4. Maintenance activities

Flood control measures
          1. Strengthening of embankments
          2. Renovation of channels
          3. Construction of storm water drains
          4. Maintenance of the structures

Road and canal side plantation
          1. Nursery raising
          2. Avenue plantation along road/canal side
          3. Plantation horticulture crops such as mango, coconut, banana,        
              cashew nut and other suitable species

5.        Conclusion

For all these programme to materialize, there should be a strictly vigilant and efficient extension mechanism in the State. 

         Linkages between Institutions like OUAT, CRRI, and CIFA, etc. should be strengthened to facilitate a smooth transfer of technology to the farmers.
         The KVKs in the district would be the Link Points on short term researchable issues in the farm sector.
         Opening of “Information Kiosk” by interested agri- entrepreneurs should be  encouraged.
         Farm Information and Advisory Centres (FIAC) should be opened in all Blocks.
         Extension essentially have to be,
1.     Farmer-led
2.     Group-led
3.     Market-led 

·        We believe very strongly that the State administration should give, in addition to the above, a careful consideration to the issue of exploring the possibilities of value addition of agricultural produce in order to enhance the profitability of the farmers, on the one hand, and increase the employment opportunity of the rural youth, on the other, through small and medium level entrepreneurs. Let us accept, Odisha has bountiful of natural resources and the most critical input, like the whole of the country, is the Farmers themselves.   



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